2D Zig-zag movement and rotation

Hello, I want to create this kind of movement, but i am not sure how to do it, at the momento i am doing the zig zag movement like this exmple

 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using UnityEngine;

  public class VirusMove : MonoBehaviour

 public float speed = 2;
 float frequency = 10.0f; // Speed of sine movement
 float magnitude = 0.5f; //  Size of sine movement

 Vector3 pos;
 Vector3 axis;

 private void Awake()
     pos = transform.position;
     axis = transform.up;


 void Update()
     pos += Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * speed;
     transform.position = pos + axis * Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * magnitude;

The zig zag movement is ok, but i can’t find the solution for the rotation that i desired.

What would be a googd solution for this issue?

This might work for you:

    public float speed;
    public float frequency;
    public float magnitude;

    private void Update()
        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(0f, Mathf.Sin((transform.position.z + Time.deltaTime) * frequency) * magnitude, transform.position.z).normalized;
        transform.LookAt(transform.position + pos);
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime);