3.3 slow to play in editor?

Hey, just wondering if anyone else has noticed some extreme slowdowns since upgrading to 3.3 - when hitting play in the editor.

I upgraded this morning from 3.2 and every single time i hit play, unity freezes up for a good 15 seconds. I wasn’t having this problem before and I don’t seem to be getting any errors so I’m not exactly sure what’s causing it.

Is it all of your projects or just one in particular? I haven’t seen any slowdowns in any of my projects with 3.3.


DO you run on a Vista 64bit system? I do too and I have the same problem. The console says to go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976038 but i can’t figure it out :smile:

Ahhh… I do run on Vista 64bit system.

I’m fully up to date and though I was getting the same console message with 3.2 it didn’t become a problem until 3.3. I managed to find the hotfix that’s mentioned in the unity console but it appears to be a rather untested and risky update and I’m a little wary of going ahead with it.

It appears to be the same problem in every project i open.

Well it takes a little while to play. I often get stuttering during play (slight pause every 1/2 seconds) - usually after some period of use - usually fixed by restarting Unity.
I am on Vista 64bit and have installed the fix. Also get crashes sometimes…
Basically the editor runs worse now…

OK - so I bit the bullet and installed the hotfix. Still having the same problem.

Any other ideas?

I’ll have to double check, but something has been quite slow for me after I came back to Unity. I thought it was just script compilation or something, but now that I think about it my project is tiny. :slight_smile:

The stuttering that Andyz refers to I have as well after extended use.

I just upgraded to 3.3.0f4 and have the same problem in OS X. When I hit the play button, Unity freezes for about half a minute (I get to see the spinning beach ball cursor).

This happens about every 2-3 times I press the play button.

Downgrading Unity to 3.2 didn’t fix the issue, so I’ll start a new thread about this.

just wondering… do you happen to have unity android?

My slowdown is directly related to the Water3 script. If its GO is active the Unity editor is taking 10x more time to load/do anything (including hitting play button)

Any of you have Water3 inside your hierarchy?

Nope no water in my project.

I also don’t thin it’s something in my project that’s causing the problem as a coworker is running the same project on his computer and everything runs smoothly. Only difference is that he’s running Windows 7 and I’m on a Vista box.

I’ve asked about android because I am also having issues with device drivers and I was wondering if the two problems may be coming from the same source.