30s portrait youtube video ... not as a "Shorts"?

Hello all !

It might sound a bit off topic but I have a current issue where I would like to upload a preview video of my game. I would like it to be 30s long (so it can be used for iOS as well), and in portrait mode.
But now google seems to automatically transform these kinds of videos into what they call “Shorts”.

The issue is that google play console doesn’t accept shorts as video (Enter a valid YouTube video URL ).

However, I do see some games that manage to have just regular 30s portait videos …
Like Pokemon GO :

Or more recently Nikke :

Don’t know how they did that. Is there something obvious I missed ? Or is this because these are huge publishers you can afford the negociate that with google directly?

Any help most welcome :slight_smile:
Cheers !

Get your “shorts” video Url and copy the video ID
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/this is the id
then add it to YouTube Your video id here
And it would basically play it as a normal video. didn’t try it on google console but it works in general

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Wow that’s genius, it works !
Thanks a lot @vagelis1991 :slight_smile: