32 voice limit

I’m wondering if it’s possible to increase the current 32 voice limit. As systems grow in power I hope to use more that 32 voices with more intelligent voice limiting like that in Master Audio to allow more voices to play.

Is this possible to change per platform or project?

I would like to know as well. As far as I know it’s still 32 voice limited on all platforms.

it’s unlimited if you mix them yourself, and possibly not slower than using more channels.

What does that mean? Is the new limit 32 mixers instead of just 32 Audio Sources?
All mixer channels could of course be mixed to a single bus.

I’d love it if you’d reveal where you read the information you have? I haven’t been able to find any. Today I watched all the 5 or 6 Unity videos about the new audio. None mentioned anything about that limit changing.


For 2D audio, G-Audio features it’s own mixer which does not limit the number of input channels. Every G-Audio player mixes input to a single Unity AudioSource, so you can have 100s of mono clips panned simultaneously if you need to.



Cool Greg :slight_smile: Scripters can also use PlayOneShot to unlimit themselves. Our product doesn’t use PlayOneShot though because it removes all control you have over sounds that are already playing. Maybe G-Audio has a way around that?

In G-Audio, you have multiple APIs at your disposal depending on how much control you want over a sound.

If you just need to play audio data with zero control, from beginning to end, it’s simple and inexpensive. But you can also wrap the data in objects which allow you to monitor / pitch shift / add ADSR etc… to any blob of audio data. It’s more programmer oriented, ut there are some ready made components to fool around with, and most of them work in edit mode . no need to press play to evaluate how parameters influence audio.

That’s cool Greg :slight_smile: Thanks for elaborating.

No comment on the snail?

Edit: Just fishing for approval…