360 Photoviewer with Cubemaps

Hi Guys.

I am just starting out with Unity and GearVR now and I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction regarding cubemaps.
What I am aiming to do is take a cubemap (6 x 1 cubestrip with each face 1536 x 1536) and render it in unity. It will essentially
be a 360 photoviewer that is run on the gear vr. Example apps would be like the ORBX Media Player.

What I have gotten right is to render a cubemap with Skybox but since I want to be able to view stereo cubemaps (12 x 1 cubestrip)
I can’t use skyboxes from what I understand.

I can get normal photospheres to render properly and also stereoscopicly but what I am struggling to get to show is just a standard
cubemap in something else other than a skybox. I’ve searched for days on the net but no one gives a definitive answer on how
to do this. Who knows, I’m probably searching for the wrong thing.

I am currently using the latest version of unity and oculus utilities.
Hopefully someone has a step by step tutorial for the rest of us.


Did you ever get an answer for this? I am trying to do the exact same thing. I to can get pretty good results with the default skybox in Unity but can’t get away from the feeling that there is some way to do this with a custom made cubemap.