360 video stitching bad when using Sphere Mesh and VideoClip

Hello - I’ve been playing with the new VideoClip player in 5.6, which is working pretty well performance-wise with even 4k video.

The big problem I have is the stitching of the video on the Sphere Mesh is a total mess at the two poles and seems to introduce a general ‘wobble’ all the way through the image.

Is there a trick I’m missing for the material or the GameObject to make this smooth out? The video looks flawless when playing back in ViveVideo, Youtube 360 etc…


Just to make sure I’m reading this right: You’re projecting a video onto the surface of a default Unity sphere, right?

If so, then you probably just need a higher-fidelity sphere model. The unity one is pretty low-poly, so the UVs get distorted near the poles. If you make a higher res one in a modelling program, the distortion will be reduced.

Download or generate a sphere that looks like this

Equirectangular videos ( 360 video ) are made for these spheres.
Unity’s default sphere is more like a normalized cube.

To generate a mesh like this, take a look at this url: