3D art assets

A small clarification regarding art. We have planned quite a few 3D assets to get the project started, which will be produced by our team. The reason for this is that we want the initial batch of art to be coherent and set some guidelines in terms of file type, polygonal resolution, etc. We wanted them to be ready at the starting line, but they were delayed. Apologies for that.

In fact, some cards you see on the roadmap are related to this and you can see they have been assigned to the Unity Team user. A few examples: 1 - 2 - 3
What we meant by this is: “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that!”

In terms of characters, we will have:

  • Pig Chef
  • Phoenix Chick
  • Forest Eye
  • King Eye
  • Rock critter
  • Bard Hare

For 3D props, we will have:
(some of these will have variations)

  • Big rock
  • Mid-sized rock / Boulder
  • Small rock / Rubble
  • Tree
  • Tree stump
  • Broken tree
  • Palm tree
  • Bush
  • Fern plant
  • Grass
  • Flowers
  • Shell
  • Bamboo
  • Lantern
  • Knife
  • Walking cane
  • Pouch
  • Sitar
  • Directions sign
  • Torch pole
  • Chest
  • Small pot
  • Ladder set
  • Campfire
  • Boat
  • …

This seems like a long list but as you can imagine, there are plenty of gaps for 3D artists, texturers, etc. to contribute more assets, animations, and potentially new characters. In fact, we will need them as we come up with small cutscenes, new interactions, and more.

This doesn’t mean you can’t get started modeling something, but keep in mind the lists above. We’ll have news on this soon, and we’ll update the roadmap accordingly.

Same conversation for the music, but we don’t have a finalised list of incoming assets yet.


Will we make funky adaptive music? :smile:

@cirocontinisio along these lines I was curious about that first batch of SFX you have listed on Codecks. I’m assuming that’s a similar situation since it has the Unity avatar and is bronzed.

Great! I was wondering about the 3D assets, and I was also thinking about coherence, so this makes perfect sense.
I would like to contribute to this part of the project, so I will follow the updates on this, and maybe start to do something :slight_smile:

Maybe in the next project then…

One thing that everyone is going to have to practice is patience on this. As you said it’s a new process and everyone will be learning.

I think your first point was answered here:

The reason for this is that we want the initial batch of art to be coherent and set some guidelines in terms of file type, polygonal resolution, etc. We wanted them to be ready at the starting line, but they were delayed. Apologies for that.

The intention is that we will have assets to work on but this first batch is for the Unity folks to set a quality standard.

Also remember that cirocontinisio is going to be pinged by pretty much everyone. There will be times where we won’t hear from them after a ping.

We all need to be considerate and give the team some time to iron out the kinks. I’m sure the amount of communication that they have to deal with is overwhelming. Especially considering it’s only been two days since the announcement trailer.


I think that anyone and everyone is free to make as much work inspired by / about / related to this project as they want, whenever and however they want.

If they want it to make it into the mainline repository and final release though there will need to be some patience and understanding as the team starts work, sets standards and gets in synch. This is a brand new process being run by a small team, even if it’s at Unity. Give them time to get their feet. I don’t think anyone knew that there would be as many people excited to work right away.


Hey! Glad to see this cool list of characters and props. I would like to contribute in the project as much as I could.
And It is going to be a cool oportunity to practise stylized modelling and texturing.
I will keep an eye to the updates, roadmap and the forum.


Makes sense, I’m pretty excited about the project.

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Hi there, already busy with my game but I was hoping to help with some OST…
Ping me if you change your mind.
Some tracks :

Whispering Eons : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Dcom.mick.we.ep0%26referrer%3Dutm_source%253DAndroidPIT%2526utm_medium%253DAndroidPIT%2526utm_campaign%253DAndroidPIT&ved=2ahUKEwjNwPH9sZvsAhVJyhoKHf5rBPYQjjgwB3oECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1UTTeAaOwq-PrlexuhglHa


Hi there, I have some spare time on hand and would be interested in contributing to the game’s 3D Art.

To me game the initial impression for the art style would be based of “Spyro, Sea of Thieves, Ratchet and Clank, Yookalaylee and the likes”: stylized PBR. I am experienced with these styles and am a very fast modeler.

My portfolio, currently being revamped, is here. I specialize in assets but im also proficient in procedural texturing.

Is there a discord for this project where we could apply/discuss development topics ?


That “Pioneer” character looks awesome! First thing I thought of was Jak and Daxter when I saw it, can’t go wrong with that!

As for Discord, check out the Discord suggestion thread , doesn’t seem like a decision has been made yet, although it sounds like the official Unity Discord might be getting a channel specifically for this.


Game of my childhood, this series needs more love <3
@ArtofRemo awesome models!

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thanks you 2 ! I casted my vote in the discord suggestion thread.

I will check this thread from time to time for progress status on the art.

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Would this be the thread to ask about making a particle for the game?

I think so yes ! atm im waiting till we get some clearer vision for the visuals.

Regarding the 3D Art:

  • we should make guidelines regarding PBR values/Colors.
  • we could/should make some SmartMaterials for Substance Painter to get a unified look. There are some very useful ones we could use for Rocks/Metal/Skin on Artstation marketplace.

i.e. https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/R3vB/stylized-texture-generator-for-substance-painter?utm_source=artstation&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=homepage&utm_term=marketplace

I don’t believe there is an official thread for Effects & Particles yet, this probably would be the closest one until one is created.

Yeah, I saw the thread for effects on particles on Friday I think. But I’m pretty sure all of the particles have been taken, and since that was the only thing on my level I am just waiting for something else I can do to pop up that might actually be programming related.

It would be great if you’ve shared what you’ve done on that thread though (especially since so far nobody on that thread did?). Maybe your input brings something new to the table and you could help improve someone else’s work or vice versa :slight_smile: The point is to learn from one another and discuss possible solutions instead of working solo and think you cannot contribute because someone else is working on it. You definitely can.

@ArtofRemo not sure if a marketplace solution will be an option for this project, but in any case it would be helpful to start discussions on texturing (and modelling) guidelines at some point, probably as soon as we have the basic 3d models in the project.

Hey all, we finally have some art to share with you. I just pushed a new branch called art-assets.

In it, you’ll find 2 main things:

  • The toon shader, supporting both characters/dynamic objects and baked objects.

  • A lot of art assets, including:

  • Pig Chef

  • Rock Critter

  • Tree

  • Fallen tree

  • Tree stump

  • Bush

  • Bamboo cane

  • Shell

  • 2 big rocks, 2 medium rocks, 3 rubble rocks

  • Grass

  • Fern plant

Please note the ground is only temporary.

This is just part of the art we’re making, but also a very small portion of the art we need for the whole game.
I will soon put a list together of things we’d need help with, and it’s going to contain a couple of surprises with respect to the one posted on the first post of this thread.

In the meantime, that is the quality that we are trying to achieve for both characters and props.