3D Buzz developing Unity tutorials

That’s all I know. Need to PM Buzz to apply for test class access while the videos are being developed.


there have actually released the video for download for free : http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/showthread.php?t=181409

game is only a 2d shooter but videos are excellent. Are there any similar for a 3D game?


should also note that the guys from 3d buzz have made there own posting on these forums : http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=39327

Where is the source code for these?

I found the assets…

Something you will find about the training that deals with programming from 3D Buzz is that they usually don’t provide the source code. I think doing this forces the user to actually write the code which I think provides a much better learning experience in the end.

I can understand that but between that… and my real work… and the EVAC samples… and all Id just like to glance at the end result and pick up some things…

so if anyone finished and has the source lemme know.

here’s a snippet, up to the ninth video so far, not really retaining much, but I’m not a programmer. Frustrating:

This object is our player, it also loads another object that shoots up y on its own and destroys when it leaves the scene. The camera is facing Z with an orthogonal frustum I gather:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class script_Player : MonoBehaviour {

    public float PlayerSpeed;
    public GameObject ProjectilePrefab;
    // Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
        //Amount To Move
        float amtToMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * PlayerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        //Move The Player
        transform.Translate(Vector3.right * amtToMove);
        if (transform.position.x <= -7.5f)
            transform.position = new Vector3(7.4f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
        else if (transform.position.x >= 7.5f)
            transform.position = new Vector3(-7.4f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
            Vector3 position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + transform.localScale.y / 2);

            Instantiate(ProjectilePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);


have you followed along ???
i am at 15 and i get this weird error in the console window, not really affecting the functionallity, but if someone watches carefully at the Video the error doesnt happen, only the warning is showing on the down left of the Unity Editor of the teacher

the error says:
UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras(Rect, Rect, Boolean, Boolean)
UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras(Rect, Rect, Boolean, Boolean)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[ ])
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[ ])
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[ ], CultureInfo)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[ ])