I first learned of 3D Buzz when I got the collectors edition of Unreal Tournament 2k4, which came with a demo copy of Maya and a full set of tutorials from 3D Buzz on how to use all of the technology to make levels, models, and your own game through the engine. They were well thought out, thorough, and easy to understand step by step. Today i received their new letter for their new MMO class using Unity. - here’s an article about it. - http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/content.php?170
I love 3DBuzz’s articles, but this tutorial is actually a class, and is only open to their Membership Sponsors ($35/month). Seating is limited for the class, but they said they’ll put the recorded videos up for sponsors as they go. I’d love to sit in, if for nothing else then to get some decent Photon advice, but I can’t swing that kind of money
Yeah,I had a little extra money this month so i bought one and hopping to get a seat in the class, takes two days for membership to activate. if i can’t get in i’ll probably drop it until they are available just for viewing, I’ll worry about paying the monthly if i actually get in. - as a culinary student (paying $25/day to drive and park at school) and working as a cook - it’ll be a stretch, but worth it.
just to update, the 3d buzz guy that is running the class has told me that there is no worry for getting into the class for people who pay before the class closes. - which i think at the latest they’ll do on the 7th when it’s scheduled to start.
edit - the guy running the class said this on the forums about being able to get into the class
“- As long as you have a seat and do not let your subscription lapse, you’ll keep getting videos. We have only set up this block system to prevent someone from coming in months down the road and viewing all the content that their classmates have spent several months worth of subscription fees to see. So, as an example, say you sign up for a month, but cancel after the first month for whatever the reason. If you come back 6 months down the road (provided there’s a seat available) then you’ll still be on the 2nd month’s worth of content. In the case of someone new joining the class 3 months in, during the first month they’d be able to access the first month’s worth of videos from the class. Does that help?” - Zak http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/showthread.php?186833
so there really isn’t a time rush to get in, unless you want to be able to interact with them as it goes on.
Assuming we have a seat available when you want to get in, that is. We’re already over our original limit.
Isn’t that skinned character shown taken from World of Warcraft?
NOESIS has the same knowledge for half the cost presented without the jada nada kwack quack we are soo cool time waisting style of 3dbuzz ste…
And more importantly you get acess to the code which 3dbuzz guys are too greedy to share with thei
r paying customers. They say they want you to write it yourself. That way you learn better.
I suspect that it is more like.
We ont give away the code because we want your learning to take loooong time as possible due to the membership fees payed each month… But they dont have desensy to admint that. They try bluring things wth bullocks…
And everytime I try expressing a critical perspective on their site, my posts get deleted…allthou I provide justifications for my writings…
Buziniss as usiallzz
Hi Sahak,
We currently have over 50 hours of free content over Unity spanning a tremendous range of topics, and if you actually took the time to watch any of the videos, you’d find that while we do remain personable, it’s a very focused run from start to finish. We get so many accolades for the way we do our training, many messages coming from studio pros from both games and film who rave about our engaging presentation. However, that said, we realize it’s not for everyone. Some people still prefer something a bit drier, and others would just as soon have a book. There’s no wrong way to learn, as long as it works for you. It’s just that we’ve found a method that seems to be very well received across the world and generally makes the learning process easier for most viewers.
As for Noesis offering the same content for free, I’d love it if you’d link me. I’ve been looking at Noesis and their fantastic offerings for quite some time now, but if they’ve got a large collection of MMO development training that they’re offering for free, then it’s likely the best-kept secret on their website.
Regarding your deleted posts over on 3D Buzz, we’re really sorry, Sahak, but there are some topics relating specifically to site administration that we try to handle in private whenever possible. You and I have discussed this extensively via PM.
All the same, apologies if you’re not finding what you’re looking for in our tutorial collection. However, keep in mind that we’ve got new videos that we’re producing all the time, so be sure to check back in with us frequently!
Thanks so much!
Zak Parrish
3D Buzz, Inc.
First off I just want to mention that you’re reply was very tasteful, so kudos for that.
Secondly, just so that the folks here on this forum can get an alternative perspective to lubitel’s, I wanted to offer up my opinion of your site. I have been using many different mediums to learn the things you’re teaching including books, other paid websites, manuals, youtube, etc. and have found that your delivery method is the absolute most engaging teaching approach I’ve come across. This is precisely BECAUSE of the laid back style in which you present the material. As you said, this may not work for some and that’s OK. Personally, I would much rather listen to a couple of people who’s love of what they do clearly shines through in their delivery, than an android reading off a script. Furthermore, it’s important to properly pace the material if your subscribers want to have any chance of knowledge retention. So in my opinion, packing more information into less videos will just result in people having to re-watch the same boring video over and over. So keep up the excellent work!!