3d Cloud System with shadows and flight-through [Asset][Updated]

Hi, everybody.
Here is the asset I’ve been working on recently:

(There is small lag in the video because of the recording soft due to my slow hdd)
Particle system based clouds. Only a few drawcalls is used to create the whole system.
Perfomance is good for web player and standalone on mobile devices it’s around 15-30 fps.
Very simple implementation (You just need to drag&drop the prefab into the scene, that’s it)

P.S. I added 3d in the name, cause it’s not just a skybox, or skydom, you can actually fly through the clouds.

Whoa. Okay, this is really awesome.

Keep it up! I could definitely use this for space based nebula. :wink:

wow looks good


Hi, This is really nice, it would be wonderful for my paragliding simulator game, would you make it available?

Hi, thanks. I will publish it as an asset in the assetstore in ~ a week


(There is small lag in the video because of the recording soft due to my slow hdd)
I uploaded the asset 3 days ago, so soon it will be available.

How much will you charge us for it? :slight_smile:

20$, at the beginning at least. How much did you count on(just to know)?

Seems reasonable :slight_smile: I’ll look to get it some time to implement into my 3d paraglider simulator. Other packages seems old/expensive/too complex so yours could perfect! I would like to ask if you can make different clouds type, eg cumulus nimbus ? Or are your clouds of one type/procedural?

There are 7 high resolution cloud spritesheets(for different clouds types). Particles are placed procedurally.

If you want cutomly made clouds you can try this:

Finally, the asset has been accepted.

So, today I started working on a day-night cycle for 3d Cloud System.
Web Demo
You can use “Clouds Speed/Day Length” slider to accelerate time.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

Best regards, Stanislav.

And, finally, new update is available: