3D First Person Game, 2D Enemy Face Player/Camera

Okay, this is giving me a real headache. What I’m trying to achieve is a 3D, first person game, where the enemies are 2D, always facing you, and running towards you when you get close to them. I’m a beginner at Unity, and game making in general. I know little to nothing about coding, so any help on how I would go about achieving this would be appreciated.

The goal you are trying to achieve is called “Billboarding” the act of having a plane (in this case a sprite) always face a specific point (in this case the camera) when placed in a 3D space.

There is a usefull script on the unify wiki that should be a good place to start. http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=CameraFacingBillboard
depending on your sprites you may have to tweak the script a bit, or parent the sprite in another object to offset the rotation (not everyone has quads/sprites/planes facing along the same axis).