3D Game Kit Beta! Get it Here!
In February we released the 2D Game Kit on the Asset Store, we also had a beta version up on the store over the Christmas break to gather your feedback and issues so we could make it better. If you were a part of the OG 2D Game Kit Beta crowd, thank you for your help in making it awesome!
Today we have released the Beta for the 3D version of the Game Kit and we’d like your help in checking it out and tell us what anything whacky going on in the project.
Please note this project is intended for 2018.1b13 and above!
What do we need from you?
We’re planning on launching this in a few weeks and we’d like some more testers to see if gameplay is working and to catch any edge cases that might occur while building some levels.
Before playing:
Depending on your hardware you may need to change Unity’s Quality settings which will enable the example game’s performance to improve, to do this got to;
- Edit > Project Settings > Quality
The default is set to Fantastic to change this;
- Click on the word Fastest to change the project to the lowest quality
Try different settings for the best quality setting for you.
What to include in feedback and bugs:
Please include:
Your machine’s specs at the top of your posts!
Version of Unity you’re using
The name of the scene you are running
Screenshots or video capture
A thorough description of the problem and how to reproduce it
If the issue is related to performance please include information and screenshots of your profiler and machine information.
Known Issues!
We have a number of known issues at the moment that we’re working to resolve before release;
Once the project is imported please close the editor and re-open the project. This will initialise the Package Manager and clear errors in the project.
Performance issues on all levels of hardware on the example project
Long import times
If you experience this please still report them with the information listed above.
Long import time
Level02 has the most difficulties.
Creating new scenes and creating something new with the kit should have no issues
The project may crash the editor and then you will not be able to open it again. If this happens please either delete the Library folder and re-open the project. Or, open the project in Beta 2018.12, close and re-open in 2018.13.
Missing sounds
Missing Music
Unfinished sounds
Chompers (little pink dudes) get stuck or run on the spot
Destructible boxes physics can launch into the sky by jumping on them
Destructible boxes can spin off into the distance if placed on a moving platform and the platform reaches the end of its path
Level02 has uneven terrain, have to jump to progress in parts
Can escape Level02 by jumping on plants and just run around on the outside of the level
Some floating pillars in Level02
And some additional information if you’re new to this type of project
What is a Gamekit?
A project designed in such a way so that gameplay, art and puzzles can be created without using code in Unity. This project is perfect to get more familiar with Unity whether you’re an artist, designer or even just starting your game development journey.
Within the Kit you will find a collection of gameplay elements, tools and systems that can be hooked up without code. We’ve also created a small game example using this system.
What is it for?
We’re trying to provide beginners and non-coders more agency in the Editor, while hopefully allowing them to get more familiar with how Unity works. If you have not checked out the 2D Game Kit you can download it here.
Thank you so much for trying it out and we’re excited to see what you do with it.