3d Imported Models keep starting game object at center?

Hi everyone so I’m making a fishing game. For some reason, the objects that I imported from Maya keep staying stuck in the center rather than where I place them. Is there any reason why this is happening. I even put an empty child and reset the transforms before attaching it. Was it the Maya import?


So, inside of Maya, you place an object at some transform, say 34, 56, 5079, you freeze transformation, center pivot, delete history, export as FBX, and then on importing into Unity the object is centered at origin?

Hey sorry for replying late and yes. Not only do these objects gravitate towards the 0,0,0 coordinates but so do Unitys built in 3d spheres. Im using an AI behavior for fish with waypoints. When I drag the waypoints in the air they still gravitate towards the center.