I have created a rough program of the an idea where you can have a game inside of a game. This could be an in-game website viewer, or you could read a book.
As you can see from the video, it lags quite a bit and I don’t know why (my computer is pretty bad and my code could be bad as well).
I am looking for an experienced programmer who knows how to read memory from a program in order to get values (namely camera’s rotation and position). Currently I get the values from memory by using Cheat Engine and I found position and rotation of player and simply inputted them to a built Unity program which hides the skybox and program bar.
Currently I have inputted some values into the camera’s rotation, but the values are in the incorrect format, so the overlayed world doesn’t look “right”.
I hope you can see the potential that this idea has (a treasure hunt game inside of a game like Skyrim, read a book by placing excerpts of that book throughout the game world, etc.).
Ideally this program would need a way to read the 3D world as well, so that objects could be placed BEHIND objects in the target game.
I plan to make this a product of some kind and will share all profits 50/50 if it becomes something.
E-mail me: istyagipgms@gmail.com
Or reply to this post.
A unity answers user found the answer I was looking for and thus I now successfully synced the rotation with the camera. Still lags like hell though, what do you think?
I am reading from memory and the user that helped me says it’s unreliable and dangerous, eeek!
I emailed you, just out of interest… anyway:
Ok, how do you know that you are getting the correct values all the time from reading the other processes memory?
Can you use Unity’s profiler to try figure out where the lag / bottleneck occurs?
Dude thanks for the direction! I currently am just finding the random address value EACH TIME I LOAD UP MINECRAFT (I will have to figure out how to get static address). But I used the profiler and foudn the bottleneck: I was getting the process EACH FRAME, so now I just get it once and set the values each frame instead.
I am looking for an interested and experienced programmer to help me bring this program to life. E-mail me why you’re the right fit for this project and your experience.
So yeah I managed to sync it up better, but it still is a bit out of sync, maybe because Minecraft is running in windowed which makes the resolution JUST A TAD smaller than the Overlay, which creates a slight but noticeable out of syncness.
Also transparency is acting weird because, well I don’t know, not a programming whiz. The cubes only turn transparent when looking at them through the transparent canvas, weird.
I just use some transparency code I found online.
E-mail me your interest in this program and any skills that will bring this project to life!
I have always had an idea of learning useful stuff WHILE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES lol.
So imagine playing a first person shooter and then there are excerpts from books, articles, or any specific information that you personally specify, and then you will subconsciously learn it just by playing the game #learningrevolution
Do want to have some form of context sensitive help for certain areas in any game, tips, or possibly even cheats?
If you window resolutions do not match, maybe you should retest when they are the same, result?
Could it be that you PC is not powerful enough, lagging causes some sync issues? What kind GPU do you use?
Regarding “Also transparency is acting weird because, well I don’t know, not a programming whiz. The cubes only turn transparent when looking at them through the transparent canvas, weird.”, can you reproduce this within the Unity editor when pressing play, without overlaying any other game?
I am interested in this, thinking of other ways of how you might achieve this, I can think of a few different approaches
So I managed to download a free web browser plugin for Unity, but it doesn’t show in the built version.
Listen up: if you are an experienced programmer and you see the potential of this product, then message me directly, reply to this forum post, or e-mail me and I will determine if you can join my team.
So far the idea of this product is to be able to browse the internet inside of ANY GAME, but not just as a 2D overlay, but a browser that follows the player in-game, inside of the actual 3D world.