3D Max exports with rotation

When I import my max files (fbx) and open it in Unity, I noticed there is a -90 in the rotation when I place in the scene. I tried reset xform, reset rotation/transform/scale and changed axis to Y/Z, but -90 is still there. The model stands upright, only in the preview icon that I noticed unity makes a an icon on its side. Any solution?


As far as I know, Unity uses the y-axis as up-vector, whereas 3ds max uses the z-axis as up.

This is a common issue in game development, I personally just model something in 3ds max, and when I export it, I first rotate it, so that the up direction of my model is the positive y-direction in the 3ds max editor.

I haven’t found a better solution yet.


Export as .OBJ file rather than .FBX. Unity can still process this, and there is an option to flip the orientation to match what Unity will be looking for.

It´s not a perfect solution but I made a script for 3dsmax which (kind of) solves the axis problem (at least for static objects)… Just select the object(s) you want to convert and run “Max2Unity.ms” from MaxScripts/Run Script. Then export to fbx.
