Hi Guys i whant to tell to all pepole are buying from 3Dmedia assent this night i am going to buy the last pack i needing the pack 1 because the pack 2 and 3 i have and i need the last to all pepole have this pack i whant that and for ho can have it send me PM
so you can see the site is off http://http://3dmedia.be/
I can’t understand a word (well technically, the words are fine, it’s the sentences I can’t understand) and not only doesn’t your link work (because you’ve put the http:// in it twice) but even if I fix the URL, it leads to a blank hosting page. It looks like you (or whoever) has not configured their name servers correctly.
On 3Dmedia website he sell 3 Fantasy Village Pack i have buy 2 of 3 pack and i whant to buy the last pack the Pack1 because Pack 2 and Pack i have buy it and i search a men ho have the Pack 1 because site is closed
What you whant for me im only search a men ho have buy that pack for buy for an other peapole because idk where to buy that because that man close the site
A public apology for stealing the UI work from that second thread and selling it to me as your own. You wasted hours of my time, though lucky for me I reported you to paypal and recovered my money. You can apologize in this thread, it’s fine.