I have this security camera with a flashlight type of thing(the type of light is “spotlight”) in a completely dark room. But as you can see from the picture below, the player is visible to the camera even when the light is not shining on it.
I tried moving the player to the very back of the room where absolutely no light it present, and it doesn’t make a difference.
I only want the player to be visible when the light is shining on them. I’m using the free version of Unity and I read somewhere that real-time shadows are only part of the Pro version, but I didn’t think this was a shadow issue; am I wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This model (IMHO one of if not the best free character model on the Asset Store) has, by default, a Reflective/Bumped/Specular shader assigned. Pretty sure its the Reflective part that is the issue. You can create a new material, assign it the same textures and assign shader Bumped Diffuse and change the model to use that instead of the baseMaleWhite material it ships with
Go to RenderSettings and set the ambient light to black