Hello. I am very knew to unity. I want to know how to put a 3d object onto a 2d scene. I also want the camera to be able to look at or pan follow the character so keeping the camera still so the scene looks 2d is not an option. Take Final Fantasy 7 for an example. I have allready tried texturing a plane and putting my chacter on that, but it looks somewhat fake and you cant walk aroun a pillar or anything like that without walking in front of it creating a 3d flaw. If I am asking to much, just answere with what you know and it will be appreciated.
I would make 3D models and set the camera to orthographic mode. Since Unity is a full 3D engine, it’s much easier to do a 2.5D game this way than trying to match a 2D scenery with real 3D positioning. Furthermore, in a 2D scenario the camera can pan, but not change its angle - the 2D scenario can’t redraw itself to match the new view angle (actually, that’s why God created the 3D engines!).
Anyway, if you want the 2D scenery (which allows some interesting artistic effects), you can place game objects with colliders adjusted to match the obstacles in the 3D world, use planes with the images and set the camera to orthographic mode - but keep the camera angle fixed! The planes must be perpendicular to the camera Z axis, and you will have a hard time adjusting their positions to match the 3D obstacles.