Hi all.
i have a complicated question.
i want to create a good viewer for 3D Design Products. Basically this viewer must have:
a GRABBING system thet allows the user to rotate the object ina totally Free Way to look every part of it. Eventually it will be very good to let the grabbed object continue rotating uder the force applied by the mouse movement, so the object coninues his rotation individually. (the main camera must to be fixed or possibly rotating on a circular path around the object)
a ZOOMING system based on mouse wheel scrolling
an interactive GUI system that allows the user to change the color and the textures of the object. This can be done by clicking an icon with the mouse or stroking a key, i’ts not important.
for instance, if you want to buy a guitar you can visualize it in 3D, rotare it as you want, zoom to see details, and choose from a repertory or avaiable colours or wood materials or stamp designs etc…
i hope i explained well the project and that it’s not too hard to realize.
pls consider that i know nothing about scripting, so i will need maybe a tutorial or a step by step explanation.
i hope i’m not asking too much, thank you.
i will link an example by Nokia cell phones…i want to obtain a simila result but in 3D and more interactive
This doesn’t seem like a very legitimate request. Since you admittedly “know nothing about scripting”, you’re asking someone to write the entire system for you - or to provide you with a step-by-step tutorial to do it yourself (which is an even bigger job).
At the very least, you’re probably better off posting this in the collaboration forum.
You can rotate around the model
You can zoom in and out.
If you want to see some specific areas of a model you could have a camera looking at a certain feature. With GUI you could then have customers click a button and it switches to that camera
i created the orbit around the model and this is good. but i still have a problem with zooming the camera. i tried some scripts found on forums but they don’t work and report a scrip error warning. the script is
maybe i’m doing a mystake in using it. what is the correct procedure to insert this script to the camera? have i to create a new empty scripts from the inspector and paste the code in to it?
Hey, alfrodul, it’s all based on Cameraorbit script from the community wiki inside the weblayer and ajax/jquery on the web page. I not sure whether the lighting and shading setup is right there, Possibly one directional light would give better look and realtime shadows would save the files weights.
Besides the “changing texture on the fly”… doesn’t sound that hard… but I never have looked into changing textures on the fly… unless thats not possible which probably would mean creating a new object for every texture…