I am a new user of Unity.
I started with the 3d platform tutorial, I must say i am finding the tutorial very good, i am at page 25 and ready to take the next step with the particle renderer.
quote from the PDF manual:
Next is the Particle Renderer. This Component draws each particle, so it needs to be
told how the particles will appear. It also defines the material to use to render each
particle. We want a flame-like jet effect, so we shall use the “fire add” material, which
can be found in: Particles->Sources->Materials->fire add
TIP This asset is also included in the Standard Assets folder.
I am having trouble finding the “fire add” material.
Any help at all is most welcome.
A helpfull note on my part :
when doing the “JET” i found it much easier to input all the setting into the Ellipsoid Particle Emitter then re-enable the particle Renderer.
Now you will be able to see and move the jet into position.