Hello, welcome to my first post. I hope it makes sense. I’m new to Unity and was going through the 3D Platform Tutorial but was having problems right away. When I start the project, it gives me a message saying that the project was created with an older version of Unity and needs to be updated. No problem. The Unity I’m using is:
Unity 2 ver 2.6.1f3 (OSX)
I then double clicked on the “TheGame” scene but nothing showed up, which I assumed meant I’d be starting from scratch, but the problems start pretty early on because the PDF refers to objects in the scene that aren’t there. Here’s what I went through and what I tried:
“Move Lerpz onto the raised platform with the Jump Pad (the niche with the yel-*
low chevrons), near the Jail. (See the screenshot on the next page.)”
Well, the Scene/Hierarchy are both completely empty so I didn’t know where to put him. Dragging the “levelGeometry” prefab into the scene got me what I needed but the fact that it wasn’t already there like the PDF assumed had me worried.
“Drag the SpringFollowCamera script from the Project Pane onto the NearCam-*
era object in the Hierarchy Pane.”
Again, there was no NearCamera object so I just created a new camera. That seemed ok but I was having errors in the ThirdPersonController script on this line:
var cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
I had to dig through the API to figure out that “Camera.main” is the first camera tagged as “MainCamera”, but I assumed that the missing NearCamera object had that set up already.
So with the errors removed I thought I would be ok but at this point the tutorial started to become unusable. First of all I adjusted the Character Controller to exactly the numbers in the tutorial but the actual Capsule Collider was about 100x as big as Lerpz and way over his head, so I knew something was wrong. I tweaked with it to get it to look something like the screen shot (using values like .005). I then tried running the game again but I was getting messages in the Debug Console like:
“Rebuiling GUID cache: Deleting metadata library/metadata/ff/ff6b0beacd110544a000efbb4ada8c59 because it is an invalid meta data file! MetaData class can’t be loaded”
The game was still running though, but Lerpz would just fall into infinity and the camera wasn’t anywhere near him so I had to stop because I couldn’t go any further. Are there any known issues I should be aware of or is there an update I can get to get this fixed? This seems like a very important tutorial so I’d like to be able to use it.