On page 40 when you are working with the Respawn points, a couple of things are not clear to me. Could someone give me a clue? Below are the sections I am having trouble with.
The next step is to create a container GameObject
Rename this RespawnPoints
Make all the respawn prefab instances children of RespawnPoints
Q - Is this just a matter of dragging each of the respawn prefabs into this new object?
Page 41
The static keyword means it is shared across all instances of the script. This lets us keep track of which respawn point is the current, active one. However, when the Scene begins, none of the points are activated, so we need to set a default one for our Scene. The Unity Inspector will not display static variable types at all, so the script defines an Initial Respawn property, which needs to be set for each instance.
* Drag the default Respawn point onto this.
Q - Drag what Respawn point, where? It is Respawn1? But where do you drag it to?
Thank you!