3D Platformer (Work in Progress)

At http://mundojava.com/Mate20110121.html you can try one of our prototypes for the 3D platformer we are working on.

This prototype was built to test:

  1. Character movement controls
  2. Camera movement control
  3. Game controls tutorial

Although all the tutorial text is in spanish, you shouldn’t have any problem in understanding what you’re supposed to do, even if you don’t speak spanish :slight_smile:

All suggestions and criticisms are welcome!

UPDATE: Reduced the sliding (can’t eliminate it completely because then the controls would feel too stiff)

UPDATE (2011/02/04): After doing some tests with children, we decided to change the interface to better fit what they tried to do. You can test the new version at: http://mundojava.com/Mate20110204.html

Looks great and feels great, altho character sliding might be a bad thing if your avoiding/traversing obstacles, add in some animations and your good to go.

I quite enjoyed the layout of this, the movement feels pretty polished and the camera work in particular is very slick. The use of a specialised camera for tricky platforming sections feels very well done. And the method of completing the tutorial by making a key vanish once you’ve pressed it is intuitive enough that even in Spanish the meaning is clear to me.

I think perhaps the accelerate/deccelerate needs to be slightly softer. I also reckon when in Mario64-style “POV” view mode you ought to be able to use movement buttons to look around, as opposed (or in addition) to the camera buttons.

That’s pretty much all I can think of. Impressive stuff, anyway!

Looks good. One change I made when using a 3rd person controller was to eliminate the function that normalized the turning if the walk rate was below 0.3. This makes the character snap 90 / 180 degrees when the player turns the character while standing still. If you like this, leave it. If you want the character to rotate even if he isn’t moving forward, change that function.

He sure can jump high !

Otherwise, it felt pretty smooth. Good start.

The sliding makes jumping particularly difficult. I feel like the player is on ice.

Overall nice demo, and I see you’re using FroGames pack. how do you like it?

Great start :slight_smile:

The mix of keyborad and mouse is not easy, even precise platform game using keys is hard !
Make the level more easy to do with bigger platform, and put the difficulty oin the gap between them instead of the difficulty
to land on tiny platform.
Same thing for the strecthed road above the level that we have to follow, it’s hard to be precise, make it more larger and more easy.
Put the difficulty on ennemies to avoid like in Mario games, or in optionnal rewards to collect.

For textures, i would recommend you to choose an artistic cartoon like or special graphic style like paper or other for the level, instead
of using realistci textures ! Well just my taste !

Keep it up !

cool, and l like the controls i prefer when i was using only the W to move foward and the arrows to move the camera instead of using only the keyboards, but very good, was it hard to script when you can control the camera and movement of the player iam new and want to learn more

P.s: Buen trabajo, yo cuando haga un 3rd person game, me gustaria usar esos controles como que mover la camara con los arrows y los botones para moverme alfrente o para atras and side to side, bueno buen trabajo sigue ahi

It reminded me of Spyro. lol. Good thing tho. It looks like it could grow into a good game. Keep it up. But as previously stated, the sliding wasn’t to good.

It’s interesting, but I think it’s broken. Holding two directional keys (e.g., W + A) results in the character moving in a curve in that direction (e.g., forward and left). I thought the purpose of using the arrows was to change the camera, but instead it’s a movement input that either enhances or completes counters other inputs. For example, W + A + ← makes a really tight left turn while moving forward, but W + A + → actually turns the character to the right. Basically, your arrows are overriding your A D inputs.

I don’t like the jump because 1) it’s difficult to line up due to the sliding and arrow key effects and 2) you can jump and then change what direction you’re moving in mid-flight (and I don’t like this in 2D platformers either)

It’s an interesting effect, but it doesn’t do it for me.

The FroGames protoback is nice to have when you’re building prototypes. Nothing you couldn’t just create yourself, but it’s cheap and saves you some time.

Fixed the demo to reduce the sliding.

Actually, it isn’t broken. It is designed to work that way. If you just press A (or D) you turn in a circle around the camera :slight_smile:

The arrow keys can be used to:

  1. Have a quick look around you (without having to press the ‘tab’ key)
  2. Have finer control on the direction the character is moving (W + arrow key)

So you can think of A D as ‘go left’ ‘go right’ (relative to the camera), and the left right arrows as ‘turn left’ ‘turn right’ (when used with W).

this was a cool prototype

I love the camera work

Would you be able to share some knowledge or even the camera and controls scripts?

The camera control was the hardest part to get right :slight_smile:

We will release the whole Unity project for this game under an open source license. So you will be able to use any of our scripts and assets in your own games. We haven’t yet decided the date for the release, but I guess it will be around mid-april which is when are scheduled to finish development on the first phase of the game.

I don’t think you understood what I meant by broken… but if you’re happy with it, then go for it.

muy bueno

Replayed the demo with less sliding, very good! Much better, I could get to the end this time :slight_smile:

I’d also be interested in how you did the camera, so I would benefit from you opening it Open Source

It all will be available as open source. You can count on it.

UPDATE (2011/02/04): After doing some tests with children, we decided to change the interface to better fit what they tried to do. You can test the new version at: http://mundojava.com/Mate20110204.html

I played it Magogm, I like the changes.

And you got animations now, that’s also nice.

The only thing I dislike, and you’ll probably have some sort of options, is I’m a WASD player, not the Arrow keys, Other than that, there is definite progress and becoming more and more like a game!