Hi everyone,
The package has already been released and can be bought HERE
3DForge Exteriors thread specific search Bookmark for future use !!!
This is the first time that I am posting nearing the end of a project to share images and get some more user feedback, at the end of the day the it is for all of you out there.
I have always only posted completed data but I am super excited about this package that I have placed a great deal of work into it, to provide the most extensive and useful as possible package for building Medieval Fantasy Exteriors.
It is a 100% Standalone package but was designed to be 100% compatible and be a SUPER Companion Package for the very Village Interiors Kit
The package will be released with a VERY LARGE selection of ALL the smaller parts for all those that love freedom to build what they want.
As well as a good selection of ready to use buildings, props, tilable ground textures out the box to get you going fast.
As with the Village Interiors Kit (that received up to date, 9 FREE contents updates), this will only be the start with several already planned FREE contents Updated down the road.
So instead of taking another few months to complete all of the items below, I will be releasing it soon, with the planned updates following and added to the package as they get done.
I want it to be the most complete Medieval Exteriors package on the store.
Each of these FREE updates will also be released as Full Standalone Packages like with the
- Castles & Cathedrals Kit
- Catacombs & Crypts Kit
- Taverns & Inns Kit
NB!!! But buying the Full Exteriors Kit will end up being more than a 50% saving since ALL future updates will be 100% FREE.
If you kept an eye on the Village Interiors Kit development, you will remember that it was strongly influenced by user feedback and request, in fact the whole Village Interiors Kit was actually a user requested package to start with
So basically I am going to ask that you please post here but to also email any suggestions for extra contents to info@3dforge.co.za
Any user that bought the Village Interiors Kit saw how it grew and more then doubled from v1.0 to version 1.9 and will still even get more.
These updates were not trivial. They were fleshed out, proper standalone package sized contents updates that added HUGE value to your purchase.
There are several line items on the Road-Map that have been marked as such to illustrate this value upfront. *(will be a full kit, also to be sold standalone)
I will see when, but at a certain point the Village Exteriors Kit price will increase to be more in line with the added value. All the users that own it already say that it is way under-priced even as v1.0, so please do not hesitate to get this sooner rather than later.
*** Completed Updates details moved to bottom of this first post ***
1. Thatch Roofs: Updates v1.1 LIVE > 10/9/2015
2. Outdoors Props Pack****: **(will be a full kit, also to be sold standalone)*
Wagons & Carts: Updates v1.2.1 LIVE > 1/15/2016
Wood: Updates v1.2.1 LIVE > 1/15/2016
3. Outdoors Props Pack****:
Barrels & Crates: Updates v1.2.2a LIVE > 3/29/2016
Canopies / Awnings: Updates v1.2.2a LIVE > 3/29/2016
Animal cages: Updates v1.2.2a LIVE > 3/29/2016
4. Castles, Cathedral & City Walls****:
Castles prefabs: Updates v1.2.2b LIVE > 11/8/2016
Cathedrals prefabs: Updates v1.2.2b LIVE > 11/8/2016
__City Walls prefabs: Updates v1.2.2b LIVE > 11/8/2016
__EXTRA Castles & Cathedrals prefabs: Updates v1.2.2c LIVE > 3/12/2017
256 Meshes & 256 Prefabs have been added
- Classic Vaulted external roofs for Cathedrals.
- Pitched standing roofs for Cathedrals as well as traditional castles structures.
- Metalwork for either of the roof sets.
- Metalwork for between parapets or can be used as fences.
- Staggered Stone corner set.
- Wooden Beam Corner sets X 2.
- Small, Medium & Large portcullis.
- 4 new entrances to assist with making enterable towers and castle walls.
- 1,2 & 3 Unit wide enterable tower walls, 0,200mm thick Double sided, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 floors high for each of those widths.
- Modular parts to add arrow slids where you would want to.
- 1/8 corner parts for Wall type 04(1 unit thick) & 07(2 units thick) that is going to open the world to non square Castle and Castle-Wall layouts and designs.
- Selection of arches that can be added to any wall that will break up large surface raes with nice detail ans shadows.
4.5 Additional Castles Stuff
v1.2.2d - Additional Castles & Cathedrals Prefabs Updates v1.2.2d LIVE > 4**/15/2017**
+ 265 Meshes
+ 265 Prefabs
- Prefabs added:
- Staircase set
- Tall Chimneys
- New Buttresses
- Round Towers
- Entreable Round Towers
v1.2.2e - Additional Castles Prefabs Updates v1.2.2e LIVE > 5**/19/2017**
+ 40 Meshes
+ 40 Prefabs
- Fixed scaling problem with 1/8 set of prefabs
- Added Wall set 09
- Single width walls
- Added Round Tower Example file
v1.2.2f - Wooden Fort type walls &r assets Updates v1.2.2f LIVE > 7/7/2017
+ 82 Meshes
+ 74 Prefabs
- Completed wooden walls of several lengths
- Wooden walls in different states of being complete in several different lengths
- Broken wooden walls of several different lengths
- Wooden piles of the same poles
- Larger poles to serve as corner/join posts
- Wooden spikes of different lengths
- 4 x different Water Wheels
- 2 x different sized Windmill blades
- Different sizes re-enforced wooden gates for village entrances
Unique buildings
- Windmills
- Waterwheel
v1.2.2g - Additional Stone Walls Prefabs Updates v1.2.2g LIVE > 8/26/2017
+ 73 Meshes
+ 73 Prefabs
- Modular Straight, 90 & 45 degree wall parts
- ,5m , 1,0m & 1,5m high sets
- Several Stone Pillar designs to go with walls
- Modular Straight, 90 & 45 degree Curb Stone parts
- Single and Double width Stone Bridges
5. Rest of props:
Bags & sacks:
- Wrapped bales
- Bags of seeds, flour …
Outdoor lighting: - Braziers, Torches, Lanterns, Streetlights, Wall mounted lanterns
Banners & flags: - Hanging drapes, Flags, Banners, Clothing lines
Farm equipment:
Tools > Fork, Spade, Broom, Hay fork, Hammer, Chisel, Axe, Plow
Hay bales, Fish drying racks, Animal Skin stretching frames
Furniture: - Rough wooden working tables & stools, Outside tables and chairs
Odds: - Wells, Beehives
6. Outdoor Market Place Kit
7. Notice/Message board & signs
8. Town Cemetery
9. Harbor Kit
10. Burned/damaged structures/prefabs
11. Underground Tunnel system interconnecting buildings
13.Pillars pack + Arch parts
These first screenshots is just to illustrate the easy to use modular system that the kit uses.
I am rebooting www.3dforge.co.za pretty soon.
It is very useful for users to go there and see what else I have for them to sink their teeth into and view large screenshots and play some of the many live Web demos.
It will still have all of that plus lots more.
One of the new sections that I am going to add is BLUEPRINTS
It will have subsections for each of the packages that lends itself to work with the general idea.
For now the Village Interiors Kit, Village Exteriors Kit & Tile A Dungeon Sewer Kit
Basically all the existing and future “modular kits”
What users will find here is a growing selection of blueprints / recipes for designs of Interiors, Exteriors and Sewer Dungeon layouts.
How it will work:
- You the user, will be presented with images of the contents of the scene file.
- Next to or below the images will be a download link to get the actual scene file.
- You download the .unitypackage that only has a scene file inside.
- You open the scene file found in Assets\3DForge\Blueprints\VillageExteriorsKit.
- You will see the buildings/designs that were on the images.
- Select each building one at a time and “zero” the X, Y & Z positions in the inspector.
- Now all you have to do is make a new folder in your buildings folder.
- Give it a cool descriptive name that will assist later to know the look & feel.
- Drag each of the buildings from the Hierarchy to this new folder one at a time.
10.And there you go, a selection of new buildings, that took you 1 minute to get into the project.
This means that you can end up easily with 100’s or 1000’ss of ready to use designs at you finger tips.
The idea is that users that would love to share their designs can email me.
I will just check that as far as I can see everything is cool and add their name on the pics.
I will vet and decide which designs get added and add them as well as my own created designs
I am going to have a v4X & v5X section for this.
Just think the extra value that this will create for package owners.
I will from time to time include my own created ones when I do actual package updates.
But not too often since the large upload is a slow process and some users could be upset having a to download a large update when they could have clicked and just obtain a 50kb file instead.
Here is a quick test file for those that are package owners to try the simple process GRAB THIS TEST FILE
With the v1.0 contents and all the FREE contents coming your way, just think of what you are going to have at your disposal.
For those who want to concentrate on the few very specific scenes that are the core of your game story can then download collections of buildings that can be used to populate the other less important ones and leave you with lots of extra time to do those special ones.
There will be scene files that will be Interiors & Exteriors combined and already complete of
Houses, Shops, Town-halls, Crafting Halls, Castled, Catacombs, Crypts, Taverns, Marketplaces, Fishing Villages, City Wall designs ans so many more.
I personally think this is an awesome idea for s many reasons.
Constructing your own builds easy easy:
- Build your own shapes with the CORE blocks or select from the many pre-built ones.
(these CORE blocks matches the shape and sizes of the Village Interiors Kit modular system) - Add the appropriate wooden Frame and then hide/uncheck it once you happy.
- Add the wall blocks selecting from 6 textures sets.
- 2 x Plaster textures (old & new)
- 2 x Wooden textures ( Vertical and Horizontal planks)
- 2 X Stone textures
- Un-hide the frame from STEP 2.
- Add roof of choice from 5 styles.
- Baked scene to just check final result.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, bookmark it for there is still lots to come.
Base release
Package released v1.0 :
- 3 unit wide extensions with L T & X shapes DONE 5/7/2015
- 4 unit wide extensions with L T & X shapes DONE 5/7/2015
- 5 unit wide extensions with L T & X shapes DONE 5/8/2015
- Half roofs and arched walls DONE 5/9/2015
- Export glassless walls >>> @Teila DONE 5/10/2015
- Add glass second material and combine with above DONE 5/10/2015
- Added open able windows DONE 5/11/2015
- Added Dormer windows DONE 5/11/2015
- Added 4 x blank glass sets & .png lines file template DONE 5/12/2015
- Chimneys DONE 5/13/2015
- Balconies and wooden stairs going to them DONE 5/14/2015
- Added all tile able textures DONE 5/15/2015
- Selection of ready to use houses DONE 5/19/2015
- Example scenes - Can not really do small scenes that users can use since they can not “glue” my small piece of terrain into there scene
DONE 5/19/2015
- Marketing material - Screenshots and such
DONE 5/28/2015
FREE Road-map updates to follow
V1.1 released: FREE UPDATE 1 - 9 October 2015
1.Thatch Roof texture
- half walls x 6 textures extension >> Prefabs in Unity
- broken roof types “f” wooden tiles >> Prefabs in Unity
- Complete roofs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 units wide & x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 >> Prefabs in Unity
- T, L , X modules 1 unit wide >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1 unit wide extensions wooden tiles >> Prefabs in Unity
- Base frames 1 Unit wide >> Prefabs in Unity
- Open ended frames for half walls >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1 Unit wide frame extensions >> Prefabs in Unity
- 0,5 deep frame extensions >> Prefabs in Unity
- Flat top Dormer windows with Slate and Wooden tiles >> Prefabs in Unity
- Lower pitched tries for thatch >> Prefabs in Unity
- Thatch roof >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1 Unit, 2 Unit, 3 Unit, 4 Unit & 5 Unit wide roofs >> Prefabs in Unity
- Half roofs/canopies >> Prefabs in Unity
- Thatch Dormer windows >> Prefabs in Unity
- Pre-fab examples for release >> Prefabs in Unity
V1.2.1 released: FREE UPDATE 2 - 15 Jan 2016
1.Wagons / Carts / Wheelbarrows / Wood:
Selection of different style large to small
*** Static and working carts exported with pivots so that can operated with “Code”
- Wagons >> single & double axle >> Prefabs in Unity
- Carts >> single & double axle >> Prefabs in Unity
- Wheelbarrows >> Prefabs in Unity
2. Wood: - Logs >> Prefabs in Unity
- Woodpiles >> Prefabs in Unity
- Chopped wood >> Prefabs in Unity
NEW - Birch Saw horses and Stacks >> Prefabs in Unity - Logs & trunks >> Prefabs in Unity
NEW - Pine Saw horses and Stacks >> Prefabs in Unity - Logs & trunks >> Prefabs in Unity
NEW - Pine Saw horses and Stacks >> Prefabs in Unity - Logs & trunk >> Prefabs in Unity
V1.2.2a released: FREE UPDATE 3 - 29 March 2016
Barrels & Crates:
- 12 Barrel designs >> Prefabs in Unity
- 4 X Small, 4 X Medium, 4 X Large >> Prefabs in Unity
- 10 prefab designs of each >> Prefabs in Unity
- Many open & closed wooden boxes and crates >> Prefabs in Unity
- 4 Different wooden pallet designs >> Prefabs in Unity
Cages: - Different sizes of standing and hanging cages >> Prefabs in Unity
- Can be used for Doves, Chickens, Crows, Small pigs >> Prefabs in Unity
- All manner of small animals that would have been kept / traded >> Prefabs in Unity
- Excellent for marketplace scenes >> Prefabs in Unity
Canopies: - 4 Different colors >> Prefabs in Unity
Red, Blue, Black, Green >> Prefabs in Unity - 6 Different designs >> Prefabs in Unity
- 3 Different lengths >> Prefabs in Unity
Short, Medium, Long >> Prefabs in Unity - Perfect for a small Marketplace setup, Shopfront setup at a house >> Prefabs in Unity
- Great for harbor / docks scene what you need some simple buildings >> Prefabs in Unity
V1.2.2____b released: FREE UPDATE 4 - 8 October 2016
Castles, Cathedrals & City Walls:
- Gaia integration complete >> Prefabs in Unity
- 12 Gaia POI’s >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1050 Meshes >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1080 Prefabs >> Prefabs in Unity
V1.2.2____c released: FREE UPDATE 5 - 14 March 2017
- 256 Meshes
- 256 Prefabs
- Classic Vaulted external roofs for Cathedrals >> Prefabs in Unity
- Pitched standing roofs for Cathedrals as well as traditional castles >> Prefabs in Unity
- Metalwork for either of the roof sets >> Prefabs in Unity
- Metalwork for between parapets or can be used as fences >> Prefabs in Unity
- Staggered Stone corner set >> Prefabs in Unity
- Wooden Beam Corner sets X 2 >> Prefabs in Unity
- Small, Medium & Large portcullis >> Prefabs in Unity
- 4 new entrances to assist with making enterable towers and castle walls.
- 1,2 & 3 Unit wide enterable tower walls, 0,200mm thick Double sided, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 floors high for each of those widths.
- Modular parts to add arrow slids where you would want to >> Prefabs in Unity
- 1/8 corner parts for Wall type 04(1 unit thick) & 07(2 units thick) that is going to open the world to non square Castle and Castle-Wall layouts and designs >> Prefabs in Unity
- Selection of arches that can be added to any wall that will break up large surface raes with nice detail ans shadows >> Prefabs in Unity
4.5 Additional Castles Stuff
V1.2.2____d released: FREE UPDATE 5 - 15 April 2017
Additional Castles & Cathedrals Prefabs Updates v1.2.2d LIVE > 4**/15/2017**
+ 265 Meshes
+ 265 Prefabs
- Prefabs added:
- Staircase set >> Prefabs in Unity
- Tall Chimneys >> Prefabs in Unity
- New Buttresses >> Prefabs in Unity
- Round Towers >> Prefabs in Unity
- Entreable Round Towers >> Prefabs in Unity
V1.2.2____e released: FREE UPDATE 5 - 19 May 2017
Additional Castles Prefabs Updates v1.2.2e LIVE > 5**/19/2017**
+ 40 Meshes
+ 40 Prefabs
- Fixed scaling problem with 1/8 set of prefabs
- Added Wall set 09
- Single width walls
- Added Round Tower Example file
V1.2.2____f released: FREE UPDATE 5 - 7 July 2017
Wooden Fort type walls &r assets Updates v1.2.2f LIVE > 7/7/2017
+ 82 Meshes
+ 74 Prefabs
- Completed wooden walls of several lengths
- Wooden walls in different states of being complete in several different lengths
- Broken wooden walls of several different lengths
- Wooden piles of the same poles
- Larger poles to serve as corner/join posts
- Wooden spikes of different lengths
- 4 x different Water Wheels
- 2 x different sized Windmill blades
- Different sizes re-enforced wooden gates for village entrances
Unique buildings
- Windmills
- Waterwheel
V1.2.2____g released: FREE UPDATE 5 - 26 August 2017
Additional Stone Walls Prefabs Updates v1.2.2g LIVE > 8/26/2017
+ 73 Meshes
+ 73 Prefabs
- Modular Straight, 90 & 45 degree wall parts
- ,5m , 1,0m & 1,5m high sets
- Several Stone Pillar designs to go with walls
- Modular Straight, 90 & 45 degree Curb Stone parts
- Single and Double width Stone Bridges