3dModels-textures.com (DEXSOFT-Games): Adventure Village CS

Dear Friends,

we published new pack: Adventure Village Construction Set

This pack contains 110! models (60 unique) to easy create your villages. All models are modular and fits to each other so you can make endless variations of houses and scenes.

FREE Unity Sample level (from video) included to help you start!

Additional textures for normal, height and spec maps are included.

UnityPackage included and pack is already in UnityStore also.

First week DISCOUNT offer only 19.99€
instead of 29.99€
33% discount

More details on**: www.3DModels-Textures.com (Dexsoft-Games)**

Hey guys, do you have any plans to create any mobile package?

What you mean by that, precisely. Almost all our packages can be used in mobiles.

Are these assets usuable in a top-down RPG? Is it worth it getting this pack to use them as top-down assets?

From what I saw in your website all your packages have LODs which can work on mobiles, but I don’t see atlas and 1 material for everything.

In order to have a fully mobile ready package, everything should be in an atlas (or 2 atlases if there’s too many things), also all the objects should use 1 material only, and 1 material if there are transparent things, but using 2-3 materials for an object (let’s say 1 material for the house and 1 material the roof) is such a waste of resources and that’s not even close to be “mobile friendly”.

Like I said, in the description of your packages you are not saying anything about atlases or 1 material for everything.

Draw calls are problem of dexsoft models. Some buildings have 9 materials / draw calls. Only Forgotten village is ok.

Do you have any free sample level for your iClone packs? I just bought them, and realize that I have a huge amount of work to create scenes from these.