Is there a possibility of getting the 3DPlatformerTutorial Character-Animation tutorials adapted to the iPhone?
I had to comment out a bunch of code to remove errors from 3DPlatformerTutorial to get it to compile, while the Character-Animation needed a fix to “Quaternion.EulerAngles” deprecation issue.
Most importantly, neither demo has an iPhone movement interface such as the one implemented in the Occlusion demo.
Has anyone modified either of these demos to account for these issues? It would be very helpful to people learning the programming environment to make these fixes for us.
What part of porting the 3rd person controls in the tutorial are you specifically having problems with? How do you want them to work exactly… tilt to move or virtual buttons like the occlusion demo… how to jump… acceleration or another virtual button?
I think some people around here have had some success doing this already and if you post some more specific questions about what you’re trying to do you’ll probably start getting some responses.
UT has no plans to do a demo/tutorial for 3rd person gaming on the iPhone right now… we just don’t have the time or resources atm. Hopefully in the future though.
There are no controls at all in the iPhone version of the Character-Animation demo, it does not respond to touch at all. The Occlusion demo has a great interface, but no characters in the demo to show how the GUI relates to movement.
It is vital to learning how Character Movement works on the device to have a version with iPhone touch controls implemented. Same with the 3D Platform Tutorial.
The 3rd Person Platformer tutorial was written 1 1/2 years ago and was never intended for use with Unity iPhone. The Occlusion Demo was made to how to set up Occlusion Areas and to show that Unity iPhone could pump out some decent graphics. The fact that there are some cool controls in there was just a byproduct.
I agree it might be nice to have a tutorial for Unity Phone that teaches basic iPhone specific scripting concepts, but it’s honestly not going to happen anytime soon.
All I really want to know is what to change in the Character-Animation demo so I can move the soldier by touching the screen.
It’s not like this is some Open Source project I am bugging the author for tips on. It’s software we paid a hefty chunk of money for to get two full licenses.
I don’t want to come across the wrong way here, but what does this have to do with buying a Unity license? Right now you’re complaining that our existing tutorials aren’t compatible with Unity iPhone (they were never meant to be), but with that logic I’m not sure where the line can be drawn. Should we make a tutorial/demo for every possible gameplay scenario that you come across and might have problems with? We provide a tool to make games with, but we can’t be expected to have an example/tutorial for every possible process of using this tool. Game creation is way too opened ended for that don’t you think?
I understand your frustration and I’m sorry that your not getting the immediate results you were expecting after a week of using Unity, but I think it’s going to take a little longer than that even if we had a thousand tutorials.
Please understand that there are customers like myself who have come to Unity ONLY because of your superior iPhone implementation.
Right now iPhone development is on fire and the flow of games for the devices is but a trickle of what it’s going to be a year from now.
Like many firms you now have visibility in an area that didn’t exist before and it would be helpful if you could service that demand by taking a few extra steps.
I don’t need a thousand demos, I just need two.
Your Platform Demo is one of the main features used as a selling point for the product, use this thorough and extensive tutorial to learn how the software works.
(Oh by the way, it doesn’t run on our hottest new product line. Please figure it out for yourself.)
At $100 for Torque I’ll wait six months or a year for answers, at $1600 I’m going to want them a whole lot sooner. Please.
what you people over a unity don’t realize is that
you would sell a lot more unity game engines if you made a book or more examples and tutorials…
you can’t go wrong with more information on how to use such a nice product…
it’s simple marketing man…
I agree %100 percent…
the only reason I decided to go with unity over torque is because the torque 3d iphone engine isn’t ready yet and the 2d iphone license cost 500.
so it made sense to go with unity iphone engine because it’s both 2d and 3d…
torque has 3 books on the market that explain how to use there software…
this guy is pissed because people want more examples and tutorials…SMFH
I was one of the people bugging then incessantly for more and better examples because even at $100 I was only going to wait so long for good tutorials.
Same when I was working with JBoss.
Hell, I’m a writer, a small volume similar to “Focus on Mod Programming in Quake III Arena” would be a great way to introduce Unity and teach its principles.
I’ve already started translating my experiences into posts for Noobs.
It’s folks like me who will be responsible for lots licenses being bought by others. Either directly through our project recommendations or indirectly as the learning curve gets easier.
The resource section (very important!) and tutorial section on the page together contain a pretty large amount of sample projects that should teach you the majority of the things that you have not learned from reading the documentation, which should be your first stop when you enter the Unity world as the concepts are a bit different. Especially if you come from torque, its like day and night.
I agree with above, that there is no way to have tutorials for everything.
Also the purpose of tutorials is to teach you how the tech works so you can use it.
I think that target is pretty well met, as you learn how to use the editor and add components and what the different basic callbacks do. Further information on those topics is in the script documentation of the Object and GameObject classes.
What you do with that knowledge you gained from fully understanding the tutorials is to a high degree depending on your targets and how many of those targets you/your team (if you are more an artist / designer type) are able to replicate through creating the corresponding components.
There is not some magic that will remove the requirement to learn scripting and to learn basic 3D math and alike if you want to create more than a replication of some tutorial.
The difference with Unity is that you thought need to learn a fraction of what you would have to know with Torque as Torque is pure coding. You have full control over anything which is naturally great but it also means that you either are a programmer or pretty much dead. And just to ensure we are on the same playfield for both techs here: Torque has no code tutorials at all and the code documentation is lacking at best. The code itself is very complex and you can expect to invest the next 1 month+ to understands very basics to work with it
Scripting on iTorque won’t get you far, as the usage of components (source counterpart to behaviors in TGB) and C++ code is a base requirement.
And we think you need to meet it better by adapting certain tutorials to iPhone users. If your customer base is telling you they need a certain level of service, perhaps it might be wise to listen?
Someone could have made the changes by now and posted the doggone things in the time spent telling us we don’t really need the information we’re asking for.
I’m just a regular user.
And from your postings especially the one on the screen orientation I am really forced to ask myself if you are looking for tutorials (texts that teach you how to use the technology to achieve something) or just want to save yourself time by having someone else write scripts that you can just drop into your project.
Because thats the only thing that does not work with the tutorial.
If that would be right, then I would suggest that you rephrase your request instead of putting the failure onto the tutorials end which clearly works and teaches you in Unity what it intends to teach you in Unity.
Tutorials that in any way require movement or interaction with the characters, models or views on the screen for the iPhone must include the iPhone touch interface in order to be useful.
Telling me, just substitute the mouse/keyboard interface with the one for the iPhone is as useful as starting a recipe with “assume a chicken.”
That’s also the sense we got when he was spamming irc yesterday demanding this that and the other because he paid x amount of money. Pointing him towards examples of the iphone input model just wasn’t good enough. He wanted someone to do all the leg work for him. As I told him on irc, $1600 + 0 initiative won’t get you anywhere.
What I find incredibly ironic, is if he simply took 1 second out from trying to project his deficiencies (read: laziness) onto someone else, he might have done something as simple as a forum search. That search would uncover multiple instances of folks who have migrated the 2d and 3d platformer projects to the Iphone. Some even including example projects for you to download.
This guy has all the making of a good troll. I suggest people don’t feed it. If he gets hungry enough, he might actually wander off and learn something.
Mouse actually does not even need to be replaced as the mouse stuff just works on the iPhone (-> mouse is always the first touch)
Also if you developed things with joystick, it will just work on the iphone as the accelerometer axis are mapped onto the joystick.
if you developed something with key (which is the case in the jump’n’run) there is no way to just move it over.
For that reason I would recommend that you just start the regular unity if you want to understand the concepts that can be learned in the jump’n’run example, as you won’t have to worry about input and then expand those learned things to the much more complex situation of the iPhone and its input schemes.
Jump’n’run is actually one of the few genres for which the iPhone is not suited that well.
Anything that bases on keys needs some pretty clever situation dependent touch area input handling method on the iphone. This commonly is done through virtual sticks or virtual D-Pads and touch handling.
If you need precise input for your intend game (similar to the NDS kirby game or even worse any game that used the D-pad to a high degree like jump’n’run), then the iphone is the wrong platform because the touch screen is a lot but definitely not precise and the bolder the finger, the larger the problem is.