3DRT model packs

Sci-fi cockpits released.


Unity 3d demo.
Submitted to asset store.

Well done. :sunglasses:

break them down into single $20 units… and the master pack at 99.00… you will see bigger profits!

ForceVFX, this is a nice idea. We’ll definitely do that.

well the reason I mention that is because I would buy number 4 ,right now, but I wouldn’t pay 100 dollars for 6 others that I would never use…getting a 20 dollar sale from me… is way better than $0…multiply that by a thousand and it really starts to add up

All of assets from 3DRT very expensive. All of them i never want to use. Why not good models have high price like that ? I don’t care, because i don’t need them. At Unity AssetStore, have many other 3d modeler make cool models and with lower price than get from 3DRT. Recommend should not buy from 3DRT. All of them are not good.

I will be waiting…for #4…perfect for this game…(wip)…

So you didn’t try them but perfectly sure “all of them are not good”? :wink:

Elemental Golems pack added.

Check unity3d demo with all the fancy shaders.

Asset store link

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ForceVFX split cockpits submitted long ago, just takes time to get approved.

Also submitted new Goblins warriors pack.

Check the unity 3d demo.

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Do you plan to split other packs?

We were doing that for a long time. It just takes time. Also trying to update older packs adding some new fancy features.

I would have been more interested in the cockpit pack if it was more desktop/console oriented, and especially if it included PBR textures. PBR is now the standard.

I like the goblin and elemental but they’re far too expensive when compared to similar models on the asset store. Also, I don’t think different colored textures really turns the goblin into a pack. Most character packs have different equipment and armour options. If the goblin pack had enough weapons and armour meshes to make 4 or 5 different types of goblins, I’d probably pick it up.

I think exactly the same than Rajmahal.
Too expansive for only different texture.

We’ll definitely consider your input. What price ranges do you see reasonable for the mentioned products?

I’d pick up the goblin as is for $30. I’d probably shell out $60 if it had lots of armour and weapons and animations to use those weapons (bow and arrow, spear, sword, etc.) That way, you could use the one goblin and options to populate an entire game level. Mr-necturus’ packs follow this model and I buy all of them.

ForceVFX, cockpits were approved today :slight_smile:
Cockpit1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Rajmahal, thank you for you suggestions. We’ll definitely adjust the prices.

Mech robots pack unity5 version added.

Asset store.
Unity3d demo.

X-commanders modular Sci-fi characters pack released on Unity asset store.

Unity store link