3ds Max, Biped, and unity..?

Hey all-

I’m new to unity and have been researching quite a bit, but i haven’t found anything on my specific problem. Just looking for a little advice.

We have created character rigs in max 2011 using biped. We have incorporated bones for facial, and accessories. When exporting through fbx we are using the 2009 export- Once in unity the animations seems to work sometimes. Basically we were exporting each animation individually (animated in its own max file). We also export a base character with its rig and no animation. Under the thoughts that the exported anims can be applied to the “base” character fbx.

Withing unity we noticed that the character “base” export has “Don’t import” selected under the animations tab. When we change the setting to store in root, and apply- it reverts back to “don’t import”. We have been playing around with different settings, but we cannot seem to get the animations to apply to the “base” fbx. We have set up anims with naming as “name@anim”.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. We’re all pretty new to unity here, and are trying to work out these few kinks. Should animations all be stored within the same fbx, and separated within unity? Should they all be animated in the same max file? if not, is there something we may be missing withing our work flow?

Thanks again!

Hello mate,
I’m not perfect with unity too. But as i begginer i made some mistakes with this bipeds. But I understand to how I use things here.

1-I’m using one animation which contains all movements for a character. Like 0-100 idle, 101-205 run, 206-300 walk.
2-Export as 2009 (you already done this)
3-Enter the animations like shown in schema (sorry for example, i choose random one, it was quicker then find exact model)

4- And script

function Update ()
   if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.2)
       animation.CrossFade ("walk");
      animation.CrossFade ("idle");

Well this things works on me… I hope helps…

And dont forget to check here:
