3ds max flex modifier export

Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is a way to export the flex modifier from 3ds max to Unity 3d?

I have created a waving flag and i want to export the animation to unity.

If this is not possible, is there some other way to achieve the same result?

Thank you

Im afraid thats not possible at the moment, because Unity doesn`t support that kind of vertex animation/morphing. The only solution would be to rig the flag-mesh with bones and animate it :slight_smile:

is there any way to ‘bake’ the animation into the model in max and then just export the vertex animations?

Nope. Unity does not support vertex animation. Everything needs to be joint based.

I have been mulling over the possibility of figuring out how to impliment this in code…I have no real solutions, or time at the moment, but it is on my radar. For whatever that is worth :stuck_out_tongue:

you can probably use an array,grid of bones and animate those to animate the flag. Not the most efficient but not too difficult.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but i think that now you can do it since unity version 4.3 support vertex animations with blend shape or 3ds max morpher equivalent since i would think that flex would be treated as vertex animation just like blend shapes, correct me if i am wrong here.

Hi, resurrecting this thread again. Any updates on the best way to import a model with a flex modifier to unity?