I have a head with morphs and I attach it to a body in 3ds max by applying a edit mesh on top of the morpher modifier and then I export as fbx with morph and skinning options, but no blendshapes was showing up inside Unity.
I want to attached a bip on top of the model too. but no blendshapes showing up after I attach the head to the body . Did I do something wrong??
I finally seperate the mesh into 2 and it works. Thanks for your answer
Yes - you attached the head to the body.
If able - if the head has a line where it can stay detached from the body (where the neck meets a shirt, or collar) keep the head as a separate object from the body. The head will retain the morphs, and can still be skinned to the rig along with the body mesh. The body and head will be two different mesh objects, but share an instanced skin modifier.
In Unity the two mesh objects (head and body) will result in 2 (or more) draw calls instead of 1 because they are two separate mesh objects. Small price to pay to keep the morphs intact.
Alternate approach - if unable to keep the head as a separate mesh - Attach the head to the body and morph the entire model, only effecting the head vertex/polys. This results in only one or more draw calls in Unity because the model is one complete mesh, however might be more overhead when morphing in Unity because even though only the head morphs are being manipulated, each vertex in the complete body/head mesh has to be calculated each render frame.
Lastly - the modifier stack in Max has to be organized with the skin on top and the morph directly below the skin for Unity to recognize the modifiers accurately.