when I export an FBX object from 3dsmax 2012 and I import it into Unity3D (version 3.4.2.f2 PRO) the result is a rotated object:
object has a 270 rotation on the X axis
Googling I have understood that is a known problem.
Is there any serious Unity3D work-around for this?
Is required any fix or update to 3dsmax?
Any help will be very appreciated because this problem is generating a lot of issues on my current project.
It has never been an issue for us. If it is an issue for you, then simply make the imported mesh a child of a gameobject with your desired default rotation. There’s no performance loss to this.
While I understand it’s annoying (it is) it is hardly show-stopping in any way whatsoever.
I am working with a system that connect some separated object using drag&drop, I can’t use a grid to align and connect the objects.
For each object I have created a hierarchical structure that contain the 3d model and some connection dummies.
My algorithm use rotation to align correctly the dragged object before to connect it.
Then this “added rotation” generate some problem to my current calculation.
Then, is there any work-around or fix to this problem?
They should fix it. I asked about 2 years ago. It’s an on going thing. All it would need is a button in the import settings that lets you import with different handed coordinate system. There was supposed to be a unity update after GDC 2010 that fixed it, but it never materialized. One of the reasons I still use ogre more often than unity for personal projects.
Very cool :). It’s climbed 10 places in just a few months. I really hope they do come up with a solution soon. Unity has always been about ease of use and intuitiveness and it really shows on the programming and editor front but the art pipeline is lacking because of silly things like this.