I’m new to Unity and 3DSMAX and am having conversion problems.
The problem is that the model and animation are near perfect when rendered through MAX, but when I import it into Unity 4.0.1, none of the textures are transferred. The animation is also somehow skewed as well. It looks more like an ice cream cone than a mushroom cloud.
I tried exporting from MAX to FBX and OBJ with the same results. The animated model is a MAX scene if that makes a difference. When I save it in MAX, it produces the MAX file and the background (skybox png).
Hi - Cool explosion! rendering in 3DS Max is very different to rendering in a real-time engine like Unity 3D - you should be able to import both textures and animations into Unity, but there are things you should be aware of in order that you can set up your assets correctly:
Unity supports the importing of static (non animated) textures associated with either your Max file or an FBX/OBJ - your max models must either be pointing to textures in your unity project to import them, or should be copied into a extures folder within the folder that your model is exported to (you can also embed them in the FBX by ticking embed media)
Unity supports joint animation whereby your mesh must be ‘skinned’ to to a bone hierarchy to be exported with the mesh. To support any kind of procedural or mesh warping you would need to bake your animation out to a skinned mesh with a bone hierarchy.
Further information on importing into Unity can be found here:
It should be noted that in order to create any kind of animated textures, procedurally animated or deformed meshes, particles or special FX from 3DS Max - other than those mentioned above, you would have to set these up in Unity using materials, shaders and scripts (such as animated texture) or asset store plugins (free and paid) within Unity. Here are a few more useful links to help get started: