3dsmax/Lightwave Camera problem!

Hi guys,

Maybe someone can give some tips with my problem.
I tried to animate a camera (a box too) in Lightwave and 3dsmax and use it as a camera path for my unity main camera.
The animation import is perfect as FBX, BUT when I attach the unity camera to the node/object/camera the position and rotation is going crazy! :cry:
The camera points to the wrong direction and I don’t wanna fix the orientation of the camera everytime I will have to create a scene.
I wanna try to do this with a 3dapp because I wanna use some effects as In/out, shake, etc.
I know that some cool guy write a script for cinematic or trail camera movements, but I wanna try with a 3d app first.

Unity uses a different coordinate system than either Max or Lightwave. You either need to rotate the box that you’re animating in Max/Lightwave 180 degrees in Y or rotate the camera 180 degrees in Unity.