I created city block model in 3dsMax using this tutorial:
there you can download tutorial files (such as project): http://areadownloads.autodesk.com/wdm/3dsmax/HTM-PRJ_cityblks-rds.zip
So, i followed every step in this tutorial and when i finish, i tried export cityblock model to Unity 5 (fbx format) and here my problem starts…
Its what i have in 3dsMax editor:
And here what i have in Unity 5:
As you can see, texture in this part have wrong direction and wrong size. I new in 3d-modeling and don’t know what i do wrong? How to fix this issue?
Mb somethig wrong with mode (yes, it all just one, single model) l? Its how it looks in unity:
p.s. please, sorry for bad english, i still learn it