We have an issue importing a model creating in 3d studio into Unity. The model was created with several animations in one take, and we’re splitting it on import into multiple clips. Here’s the artist’s description of how the model was created:
Now, the problem is that the model has the following animations, per frame:
We have imported it in Unity, and split it into multiple clips. TurnRight and TurnLeft work as expected. Idle, however, seems to be overlapping the animations for RadioTalk, and RadioTalk ends up as a short stutter. When opening the exported FBX in Cheetah, I can see that the animations are indeed contained in those frames, so it’s not likely an export issue.
Has anyone seen this sort of behavior before? Any pointers are welcome.
As a corollary: just for testing we opened the same FBX in Cheetah 3d and saved it as a JAS file, then imported the JAS into Unity. The resulting import into Unity does play correctly when I import it with those frames.
Seems to be an issue importing from the FBX into Unity.
Unity doesn’t read JAS files…it makes Cheetah open and export the file to FBX. The only format (for animation) that Unity reads is FBX. I’d suspect there’s something in the way you’re exporting manually that’s different.
Of that I am aware. For clarification, the original FBX was exported not from Cheetah, but from 3ds max 2009. We just converted it to a JAS to see if the FBX export from 3ds had mangled something irrecoverably, or if converting it 3ds FBX → Cheetah → FBX did allow for proper import.
It did, so I’m wondering what could be causing the problem with the original 3ds FBX export.
Sorry to hear about your problems. Try to export to fbx version 200611 instead of 200608. I`ve seen a lot of people having problems with the 200608 version and success with 200611, so that might solve your problem.
Thanks for the tip. We tried it, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to have solved it. We’ll go with separate files for now and will file a bug later if we don’t find a workaround (since re-encoding the FBX from Cheetah gives out the right result).