Hi every one .we r making a 3d interactive menu in which u can move around the menu
so we like to create 3dtext in 3 planes and move camera around it and make like splinter cell conviction like menu.but unfortunately the 3d text is attached to the camera,and where ever we move its coming with us!!.this might be stupid,but is that the way 3dtext made or can we edit the scripts for it?.
also we tried to make 3d models for text and placed in the appropriate positions,but we tried to highlight it ,it didnt work.is there a way to highlight a 3d model with a color during mouse crossover?? thanks in advance
3D text is not attached to the camera, unless you are talking about guitext. If your 3d test is moving with the camera it is because it is a child of the camera.
To have it react to mouse over you could use raycast to detect if the mouse is over it.