3rd middleware's server structure?

Is 3rd party’s middleware’s server is always participate in between each user’s client?

So this server becomes authoritative server?

User’s client connect to this server, and send info or packet to that server, that server again send to all clients or other client.

Then if 1 v 1 game, there are 3 existence, 1 of 3rd party’s server and 2 of user clients, and server become judge, right?

And then, if 100 users make 50 room and each has 2 users, then, 50 server generated and each exist in each game room?

Nope, depends on the software, there are other solutions available.

Not allways, you can make it non-auth. But if you want to prevent people cheating it’s the way to go.
All provide some sort of ‘room’ architecture to group players in a game.

Not realy, 1 server handles all the games. Usualy if your using middleware like SFS or Photon the server won’t have a player.
The client/server coding is sepperated from eachother and the server doesn’t have to have a player.

Hi, thanks appels
But I don’t know what that means.

Let’s say with SFS or photon.

So for example of my specific game logic, it is turn based, so, now Turn 1 of player A. Then, B can’t choose anything until A choose.

Then I think this stop process and go process is whole client part and must be coded in each client,

If unity built-in networking’s case, maybe player A become server and B become client and @RPC will used for this coding.

Then what the 3rd party’s server doing in this process? Just passage of each client’s message to each other?

In your case the server would be authoritative and decide which player’s turn it is and inform both players about it. When a players makes a move the server will make sure his turn is over and enable the other player to play and so on. I was talking about networking in general where you don’t need everything validated by the server. You can have for example a player that shoots a bullet which would be validated by the server so he can’t cheat but you can also have a player do other things in the game that doesn’t need server validation.