Hi, I’m new here…
been trying to make a 3rd person game, with ability to change weapon by pressing key 1, 2, 3, 4, etc…
key 1: melee attack
key 2: handgun
key 3: machine gun
key 4: grenade
my question is:
- what’s the best method to switch animation between character’s weapon stance?
a. make different prefab for each stance?
b. with one prefab, handle the animation with a script?
c. any other suggestion??
- is there any way to change AnimationClip trough script? eg:
var idleAnimation : AnimationClip;
function Start ()
function Update ()
if (Input.GetKey("1"))
//what should i do here??
//I want to change the "idleAnimatio"n to other animation
//(something like "gunidle", or "machinegunidle")
please enlight me