4.6 equivalency in beta13?


It seems that even the beta 13 has the equivalency of 4.6b20. I have some UI elements and animations that are affected by the hide when invisible issue present in 4.6b20. Please make the next Unity5 beta to be equivalent of 4.6RC or the final version if it is gonna come soon.
I have ported our project painstakingly in last 3 days to Unity5 from 4.6RC1 and now I am stalled because my UI is broken. Please fix this as soon as possible. Thanks.

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Well the good news is b14 which just went up on the 5.0 pre order site is showing “UI 4.6f3 equivalence”

@Vibs_appit , I hear you, but as a matter of principle: If you are stalled, this is because you chose to port your project to a product which is in beta.

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@WendelinReich1 : You think I didn’t know how beta works? I knew exactly what are the implications of porting to beta build. I don’t have any beef against it and I am not whining about any features or the lack thereof in current build. I was simply stating the fact that they didn’t incorporate the latest build from 4.6 beta series into 5 beta series and kept it to 4.6beta20 for all builds until 5beta13 which seemed odd. That’s all. And guess what, they did update it to the latest one in beta14.
So I will advise you to understand the problem or question asked before passing this type of judgmental and non-constructive critical comment in the future. OK? Just saying. :slight_smile: