403 Forbidden Error Issue in Authentication Service

We are preparing to serve the game in the MENA area in Korea.
You are trying to log in gmail and anonymous using Authentication Service.

If you try to log in using VPN in MENA area, there’s no problem, but if you don’t use VPN, 403 Forbidden ERROR comes out and you can’t log in.

Is there a way to log in without using VPN?

2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity [Authentication]: Request failed: 403,
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity
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2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity 403 Forbidden
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2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity

Error: Forbidden

2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity

Your client does not have permission to get URL /v1/authentication/anonymous from this server.

2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity

2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity Unity.Services.Authentication.AuthenticationExceptionHandler:ConvertException(WebRequestException)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity Unity.Services.Authentication.d__127:MoveNext()
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Finish(Boolean)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Threading.Tasks.Task:TrySetException(Object)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetException(Exception)
2024/12/14 11:52:28.234 15038 15088 Info Unity Unity.Services.Authent