5.2.0f2 selection bug with editor

Found a major bug 5.2.0f2.

Something got corrupted with an asset store import that left me unable to directly select objects via scene view by single clicking them. Drag selection box works, or selection via hierarchy. I had some import errors from an asset store import (GI missing file errors), but after deleting all asset’s folders and created a new empty scene still got this bug… even happens after editor restart.

However, a new clean project doesn’t seem to show it.

Bug # 721709

Gotta say, it’s still not ready for final release… finding bugs each time I try a new version within minutes. :frowning:

Just tested 5.2.0f1 and pre-corrupted scenes are still preventing click-selection of objects.

However, I tested clean projects from 5.2.0f1 with two different assets. The first asset that I thought caused the problems (1000+ GI missing file errors) imported with no errors and I could still select things. But the second asset broke selection in 5.2.0f1 as well once imported though reported no errors.

Which colour space are you using?

It was originally in Linear but I also tried changing that to Gamma and still can’t select anything. I sent in a repo project with that bug btw.

I’m kind of getting tired of these completely useless and canned responses to my bug reports.

"We have identified this issue as a duplicate of an existing known bug and we will be closing the issue.
The information you have supplied will help us further in the resolution."

How about a bug number? Is the issue fixed or on the schedule to be fixed? How about a target release it was/will be fixed? What component was it? Was it colour space selection or other some other editor bug. Is there a workaround/etc?

I mean come on. This one-way street of information is really frustrating and makes me NOT want to even bother with report bugs. Do you really just expect me to download each and every patch/RC version to test if my ever growing list of “duplicate bugs” are resolved? :rage:

The other thing to check: does the Quality Level that you’re using in the Editor have MSAA turned on, and if so, does the problem go away when you turn it off?

I’ve passed your feedback about the replies on to the QA team. I agree that it would be better if the reply contained a bug number or issuetracker link, but maybe there’s some reason why we can’t do that - they will know better than I.

This is specific to DX11 in the editor. We have a fix dropping to patch release within a week of release, but will offer this known issue since it’s not completely work stopping with the work around:

Scene view picking in linear color space does not work for DX11 in 2x MSAA (quality: fantastic). Workaround: Set quality to less than fantastic.

This is happening in my 5.1.3f1 as well ; disabling 2x MSAA fixed the issue.

In my case the selected color space doesn’t matter. DX11 + any MSAA cause the issue.