5.3.2f1 IO changes?

Just updated to 5.3.2, and these two functions are no longer available:


Couldn’t see anything in the release notes to explain this. Something I’m doing wrong? Code examples:


DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Map.Filepath);
FileInfo[ ] files = dir.GetFiles(“*.map”, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

Check that the target platform is correct, I’ve seen it change between updates without warning. If it’s set to web player instead of desktop, as was my case, it will cause the issue you’re seeing.

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Thats it! Build target was changed to webplayer by the update. Switched back and everything is fine - thank you!

Pfff, Unity is really freaking me out sometimes! Now that I got this one solved I need to figure out why the standard 3rd person controller does not respond to horizontal and vertical axis input anymore :frowning:

Thanks for the answer.