Today I upgraded unity to 5.4.0 version and my animation layers got weird behaviour.
I using few animation layers and layer masks to animate my character movement, attacking and attacking with movement in the same time.
I using full body layer, other full body layer but without legs mask(meele), other layer with legs mask and without root, and other mask with only root selected;
It looks like root is rotating whole body instead of rotating bone, like in 5.3.5, I wanted to have animation with pelvis rotated during attack so when player is standing in place, meele layer with full body (no legs) is animated, then when moving I fadeing legs layer to 100% and root layer to about 50% to make running and attacking accurate enough (becouse when running pelvis also is also animated and when we fade upbody layer to animate attack it looks unnatural rigidly)
Now when I run and attack my legs go in strange directions like rotated from pelvis to the sides (I think because of different root bone animating behaviour in 5.4.0) It’s hard to tell.
Previously in 5.3.5 when I faded root layer to 0% and attacking and running, player legs were correct but animation position on y axis wasn’t visible so I was fading it to 40% and it was looking nice, now masks with root bone selected behafe much different
I was working on this for whole two days to make it look good but now all is destroyed :((