5.3 each particle system requires batch to be drawn

I previously used 5.2.1f1 and number of particle systems (identical) were drawn in one batch.
After update to 5.3.0f4 each particle system takes 1 batch to be drawn.
I quess it is more performance heavy.
Is it my mistake or I understand something wrong?

Is this the same scene in each version or has something changed? Can you submit a bug report with the project so we can take a look.

Yes, the same. I even tried to create default particle system, cloned it with (ctrl+D) and still each of them required separate batch.

Can you submit a bug report and post the number here?

Sure thing. Reported bug - Case 752700

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I have the same problem in my game.

So, first I quessed it would affect performance. Now I actually tested: 100 default particle systems on default scene. Both on nexus 7 (2012) and on PC (i3 4160) FPS almost identical - on 5.2.1f1 and 5.3.0f4.
Here the answer I`ve got from Unity QA:
Part of the multithreading work for 5.3 means it’s no longer feasible to batch particle draw calls.
But the performance improvement from multithreading should far outweigh the benefits batching particles used to give in all test cases.
If you do see any particle performance regression though, please get back in touch!
So, I quess if no one would register performance regression - problem is non existent.

Yes the system is now multi threaded so we swap batching in exchange for multi threading.