5.4.0b22 Particles Editor Crash


We’re testing out 5.4 with our game that was previously using the latest 5.3 and I’ve found an issue that seems the crash the editor in 5.4 that was working fine in 5.3. It has to do with us instantiating a prefab that contains a few particle systems. There’s really two issues that are going on. One, the console log is showing things like:

TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD has unfreed allocations
Likely cause is StackAllocator dealloc call made when StackAllocator was not responsible for the allocation (label mismatch between alloc and dealloc

There’s no indication where or why this happening :frowning:

The second issue, is that when the particle systems are part of the prefab, after a bit, Unity will crash the editor.

The log is reporting:

m_InstanceID != 0
UpdateParticle system should not happen on disabled vGO

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00000001402E4321 (Unity) Renderer::UpdateAllRenderersInternal
0x00000001400EE397 (Unity) RenderManager::UpdateAllRenderers
0x0000000140462BDA (Unity) PlayerLoop
0x0000000140BD1085 (Unity) Application::UpdateScene
0x0000000140BD2609 (Unity) Application::UpdateSceneIfNeeded
0x0000000140BDA444 (Unity) Application::TickTimer
0x0000000140E37420 (Unity) FindMonoBinaryToUse
0x0000000140E38A3C (Unity) WinMain
0x00000001415B23E4 (Unity) read
0x00007FF8024B8102 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

Any ideas what could be going on here?


I am seeing the same thing, and also any billboard particles seem to be not sorting correctly in VR mode. This is only after updating to 22 yesterday.

I believe it’s best to submit a bug-report for these crashes. If Unity has that bug-report in their system, there is a much higher chance to receive a bug fix, compared to only posting here. Make sure to attach a project to the bug-report that Unity can use to reproduce the crash and test their fix against.

In order for Unity to pick up your bug report quickly, they often ask to post the bug-report case# here.

Thanks @Peter77 ,

I was able to repro the bug consistently with a bare bones project. I submitted that project to a bug report as:
(Case 807962) Particle causes Crash 5.4.0bb22




I also see this issue, just to throw another vote behind it.

I have insta crash in editor if I activate/deactivate PS with several sub particles (Weapon Muzzle flash) as soon as I hit stop or switch weapon (disabling GameObject). Everything work fine in B21 except tons of weird messages spam my console but no crash. In standalone version its same insta crash.

Thanks to all regarding the Particles Editor crash. This is being looked at.

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An update on this - a fix has gone into b23 for this, which will be available soon!

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