5.5.0f1 - Lightmapping barely working


After upgrading from 5.5.0b11 my lights have almost stopped affecting lightmap bakes completely.

When I use mobile shader unlit (lightmap support), my scene was almost completely black. (i have about 50 point lights and 1 directional).

Only changing the lightmap atlas size 2048 to a smaller size started to help the issue. on 1024 i started seeing some more lighting, on 512 some more, and on 64 i think is all of them.

When i switch to standard shader even lowering the atlas size has no effect. my scene is black. :frowning:

I tried clearing the GI cache. Also tried 5.5.0f2. no luck.

UPDATE: I have reverted to an older version of my scene from TFS before this problem occurred and it seems fine now.
I will update if this happens again.