5.5 released

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Download | Release Notes | Blog Post | Docs | Patch Releases

We’re happy to release Unity 5.5 today, so grab it over on the download page. Patch releases can be found here.

Some goodies 5.5 brings you:

  • Improved Particle System
  • Improved workflow and performance in the Animation Window
  • New experimental Look Dev tool
  • New Splash Screen tool
  • GPU instancing for Android and iOS
  • New CPU Usage Profiler timeline view
  • Physics engine updated to PhysX 3.3.3 and added performance metrics to the Physics profiler
  • Support for Visual Studio Code on macOS and Windows

…and much more. Read about the details in the blog post.

Remember to back up your projects before downloading the latest version of Unity and check out the release notes. If you encounter any issues, please let us know by submitting a bug report.

Thanks again to all the users who helped with testing and giving us feedback on 5.5 while it was in beta!


This is an awesome update! Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve managed to make my dream come true, create 3D games, thanks to Unity game engine!
Thank you Unity team! You are the best!


Amazing work. I am downloading it now.


Yay! I’ve been waiting so long for this! Can’t wait to get home and update it. :smile:

Woah it’s out! Those particle system and other updates :smile::smile::smile:

Is there a changelog between 5.5f1 and 5.5f3? There wasn’t one between 5.5f1 and 5.5f2.

WebGL 1 and WebGL 2 settings added; WebGL1 used by default on WebGL (instead of previous GLES2.0 setting).

Isn’t WebGL 2 the new default.

What’s the difference between Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code?

First one is fully featured toolset, editor and a compiler while the another one is just a lightweight editor.

How lightweight is it? I’m still a monodevelop user as I can’t stand the bloat of visual studio

Good to know, thank you! :slight_smile:

Cool! Finally released!

Yes, indeed it is. Need to remove that line in the release notes!

Funny how it’s possible to have so different opinions. :slight_smile: I’ve used dozens upon dozens of editors and IDE’s and to me Visual Studio is the most responsive editor I use, an impressive feat considering how feature rich it is, and Visual Studio just implements almost every feature just the way I want it, Monodevelop on the other hand is one of the worst editors I’ve used, it felt so slow and sluggish compared to Visual Studio, and even though it has many of the same features they just felt awful to use for me.

Either way you can just download Visual Studio Code for yourself and test it out, it’s free and open source after all:

I tested it on Mac because I thought it was Visual Studio for Mac, but it reminded me of Sublime or Atom, both really lightweight editors that I didn’t really care for.


Looks like another great release :slight_smile: great job guys.

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This is awesome! :slight_smile: just wondering how long does it take the cloud service to update to the newer version?

edit: it’s updated :smile:

Is there a changelog between 5.5f1 and 5.5f3? There wasn’t one between 5.5f1 and 5.5f2.

Does the new mono 4.4 compiler fix the memory leak from foreach, IEnumerator, IEnumerable use ?

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Awesome update, it improves and adds a lot to the engine. A little side-question, though: what’s the current state of Unity for Nintendo Switch (as far as you’re able to discuss publicly)? The Roadmap has it tagged as “In Development”, but is it targeted to 5.6 or later? Expected for the console’s release or some time after March?