5.6 - 3x WORSE performance (Render.TransparentGeometry)


We’ve just upgraded our project to Unity 5.6 in hope of some nice performance gains. Instead we are welcomed by 3x performance loss. The main issue according to the profiler is the Render.TransparentGeometry.

The operation took (in ms)
In Unity 5.5.0f3: 4-5 ms

In Unity 5.6.0f3: 12-15ms (even reached 17ms at one point)

(In Unity 5.5 we had a (very) similar issue but it was resolved by setting all our Image-materials from “None” to “Sprites-Default”.)

This was tested on a very old device (Galaxy Nexus, Android 4.1), which we’ve been using to benchmark performance in our game.

Any Unity devs that can shine some light on this issue and why it may occur? (Or anyone else that are experiencing similar issues for that matter?)


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yep , same here…stuck on 5.4.4 for that reason unfortunately…the same profiler issue

Do you have this issue in 5.5.0f3? It’s interesting to know, because if you do, then our issues might not be the same. Since we didn’t experience this in 5.5.0f3, only in 5.6.

We will try to get the time to create a simple repro case next week, but until then Unity devs are more than welcome to suggest what might be the issue.

@Maisey a bug report with the project attached and the device model would be helpful. Thanks!


I’ve submitted a bug report. The ticket number is: 899384 , it’s submitted by using Unity 5.5.0f3 so that you can easily upgrade the project to 5.6.0f to test it. Would be glad if you can post any findings here so we can know that you can reproduce and if there might be any workarounds in the mean time.


Hey. We are also noticing a significant drop in FPS on certain devices (e.g., ASUS Zenfone 2) in our game on Unity 5.6 compared to Unity 5.5.x. All animations (objects and interface elements) are lagging noticeably. Didn’t figure out the nature yet.

@dsable might be an x86-related issue. Any other devices?

Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of devices to test on (but I can tell you it didn’t happen on my Moto X (2nd Gen), Android 6.0. Were you able to reproduce the issue @Yury-Habets ?


I’ve asked QAs to process it - so expect a confirmation email soon, then we’ll look into it.

Still no update on the ticket. * shameless poke @Yury-Habets *

@Maisey we received your bug report and will look into it as time allows. Sorry - too much things to do at the moment.

Okaaay, but we can’t release our game using Unity 5.6 knowing this issue exists. 3x worse performance makes our game unplayable. Shouldn’t this kind of thing be top priority? @Yury-Habets

We have confirmed it on one device from 2011 (Galaxy Nexus). The impact is extremely low.
It would have been top priority if it affected all devices or at least a popular one.
Sorry. :slight_smile:

Okay thanks for your help! One last question though. Just to confirm, how many devices have you tried it on (need to know so we know it won’t cause bad reviews if this might happen on a lot of devices that you haven’t tested)? @Yury-Habets

You can get that info from the fogbugz.
If you have a hint about other devices that may be affected - please share.

Okay, so you mean I can email them and ask directly what devices they have tested on?
I don’t have any hints on other devices, other then the one mentioned by @dsable (ASUS Zenfone 2).