Hi, i finished the tests and it was not working directly with the 2022.3 version, so did a backport and now works in 2021.3 as well.
I will test it in build tomorrow also and send a demo
Hi, i finished the tests and it was not working directly with the 2022.3 version, so did a backport and now works in 2021.3 as well.
I will test it in build tomorrow also and send a demo
LUMINA Realtime GI URP-New Forward & Forward+ support is now finalized for URP & Render Graph in Unity 6. Also working in all of Unity 2021.3, 2022.3 and Unity 6 Render Graph.
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LUMINA Realtime GI URP v2.0.9a has been submitted to the Unity Asset Store!
LUMINA Realtime GI v2.0.9a (Major Update, changes in spot - point light handling)
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LUMINA Realtime GI URP v2.0.9b,c updates have been released in the Unity Asset Store!
LUMINA Realtime GI v2.0.9c
LUMINA Realtime GI v2.0.9b
LUMINA Corridor Demo (Windows):
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Samsung S22
Desktop 4050RTX Laptop
LUMINA Realtime GI URP performance metrics tests and tests with many mesh lights.
LUMINA works at around 90fps for the base GI effect without reflections (And 100fps without Unity image effects like Bloom), using Temporal AA. Then varies with use of the two reflection modes, screen space and voxel based.
Also attach a photo with the performance on my Samsung S22.
Note that the scene itself is hardly optimized in the draw calls and i use full spheres in the torches, which i change in run time with a script to emulate the flicker motion, so this can be much improved in performance using lower poly models and optimizations in the vertex displacement.
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LUMINA Realtime GI URP work on Unity 6 URP RenderGraph and Forward+ modes and new demos.
Environment Building Bundle is on big -72% discount for a limited time!
First buy Sky Master ULTIMATE ($69) and can directly upgrade to Environment Building Bundle for only $58 for a limited time! Total of $127 vs $460 normal Bundle price!
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I see Lumina works with Unity 6, however does it work with Unity’s GPU resident drawer and GPU instanced meshes?
I am not sure on this. Those are special modes, so would be another asset to support them if they do not work directly, same like VR would be for example.
I will do some tests on this and get back on wether it works, but will take some time as i have not used these before and need to first learn how to use them and make a test case.
AFAIU voxel gi with replacement shader like SEGi do not work with instanced rendering:
after the instances are drawn on screen into g-buffer, they get properly shaded, yes
… but they are not voxelized themselves.
example all trees on unity terrain that you want to render fast (or “must”) you draw instanced, and all these forest “voxels” do not produce any GI …
That is my general feeling also, though given the items do exist in scene in the Unity case and are then instanced, the voxelizer might catch them as would with normal scene items, this is of course tricky as depends a lot on how the disable of the items is done.
I will do some tests on this later today.
LUMINA v2.1.1 has been released at the Unity Asset Store!
ARTnGAME Offers:
LUMINA is now on -50% discount in Unity Sale!
LUMINA and Sky Master ULTIMATE upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $79 for a limited time!
(versus $460 normal price)
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LUMINA URP 2024 real time global illumination - New refinements and use in Unity 6000.0.25 with RenderGraph.
ARTnGAME Offers:
Ethereal 2024 and Oceanis 2024 are now on -78% discount in Unity $20 Sale!
Oceanis 2024 , GIBLION 2024 and Sky Master ULTIMATE upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $79 for a limited time! (versus $460 normal price)
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LUMINA URP 2024 used with Unity 6 LTS RenderGraph.
Sky Master ULTIMATE Ethereal 2024 used with LUMINA real time global illumination and GIBLION 2024 painterly effects.
Dear developer, please fix this grammatically wrong piece of text and explain more:
Also does not support VR, Mobile, Mac because uses Geometry Shaders, WebGL, OpenGL and Consoles .
Do you mean “because of geometry shaders…” have to be at the end of this list?
Does it support consoles? If no, why? What about xbox (DirectX)?
The Geometry shaders are only not supported on Mac devices, so if the game is windows only should be fine. Also i managed to run the system on my Samsung S22, so mobiles with Andoid in Vulkan mode are also supported, if it makes sense to use such advanced graphics on mobile. I got 50fps there, so for smaller scenes might be viable if very fast gaming devices are targeted.
I dont have kits for consoles to test on, so while it might work, i cant say if it does or not. For another asset i worked with a client and for PS5 needed some very trivial changes in the shader to make it work, but did not work out of the box and without dev kits i dont have any means to test and fix those. Same for xbox, it might work directly and is even more possible being DX, but i cannot say for sure or guarantee that.
Lumina on Samsung S22 phone
LUMINA URP combined with Sky Master ULTIMATE volumetric clouds and lighting and GIBLION 2024 and GLAMOR image effects.
ARTnGAME assets and LUMINA URP are now -50-60% off in Unity New Year Sale!
Sky Master ULTIMATE, ORION & InfiniGRASS upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $79 for a limited time! (versus $460 normal price)
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Environment Building Bundle , LUMINA, GIBLION 2024 & InfiniGRASS are now -50% to -60% off in Unity New Year Sale!
Sky Master ULTIMATE & InfiniGRASS ($29.5) upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $59 for a very limited time!
Total of $29.5 + $59 = $88.5 for the Bundle (versus $460 normal price)
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LUMINA combined with GIBLION 2024, GLAMOR and Sky Master ULTIMATE volumetric effects.
LUMINA 2024 is now part of the just released Sky Master Weather, Lighting, Water, Space Bundle, which is on -50% sale for two weeks! ($99.5 vs $199)
Sky Master ULTIMATE users can upgrade to the new Bundle for only $69 for a limited time and to the complete Environment Building Bundle for only $99 for a limited time!
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LUMINA 2024 is now on -50% sale for two weeks!
LUMINA 2024 and Sky Master ULTIMATE users can upgrade to the new Sky Master Bundle for only $69 for a limited time and to the complete Environment Building Bundle for only $89 for a limited time!
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Lumina used with two cameras in split screen, using the same voxelizer resource.