**This is the best chess template you can find in the market, with #1 Puzzle Editor Tools, what are you still hesitating at, please at least check out the demo.
Check out new feature that support importing Portable Game Notation(pgn) file in bulks to the game and also displaying the whole game in pgn format.
Flesh deal for this asset is happening on 1st of December, UTC time zone unsure, remember to pay a visit during that day.
Come take a break with your web surfing or shopping and play some chess at https://moneyforskin.com/chesslegendaryeditiondemo/
Try to play with the AI at 0 skill level and 0 milliseconds.
If you already have chess template you are working with, consider plug in a strong, entertaining and level customizable AI at https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/ai/strongest-chess-ai-stockfish-203224.
Reminder : The first thing to do after downloaded the package is to read the AIDocumentation.pdf file in Documentation folder first.
Guaranteed feature implementation in near future :
-Implement 3rd type of AI in C#, probably utilizing MTD(f) algorithm, possible ELO between 1000 to 1500.
-Implement resign and draw feature, including analysis for AI where player can request to draw and resign when playing with AI, and AI will request to draw or resign to player when condition is met.
-Implement a way to edit board position in runtime and start the game with the immediate position as an alternative to start game with FEN string.
-Making the chess game having an option to pick from the 3 type of AI for which best move is produced, meaning at any chess position during the game, the ELO of the move can be different instead of fixed ELO during the whole game.
-Improve puzzle where multiple valid moves within a board position is possible.
-The board on scene will display files(columns) and ranks(rows).
-Display captured pieces on scene.
-Flip board.
-Move suggestion by AI.
-Maybe more, something I thought of while implementing the update…
Chess, Cheese, Cheer
limited discount is happening now!!!
Check it out in Unity Asset Store.
50% Off discount is happening now, check this asset out at Unity Asset Store.
Big updates is coming for this asset. Currently, I am mainly working on this Asset updates, expected to be released on December, latest by January.
Apart from guaranteed features promised awhile ago, there have been some features and changes I deliberately made for the upcoming updates, including complete reworked on the controller, make a systematic approach on the way UI is being handled, refactored the whole codebase to make it looks and feels cleaner, changing the full code structures to layers of inheritance where picking the right inheritable classes to extend is as easy and straight away.
New year discount for this asset starts now, at 50% off discount.
The major upgrade to v3.0 is almost finish, will release as soon as I finish the last thing I wish to do on the update, which is to bring chess puzzle editing experience to next level.
You can check the work in progress version(to be release as soon as I finish updating puzzle scene) at this link >> demo
There is a new release of the chop off version of this asset named The Cheaper Chess in the Unity Asset Store with 50% off discount right now, feel free to head on to the link and pay a visit. The Cheaper Chess is made to offer user just enough to kick start chess development journey, while having the opportunity to upgrade further if found this asset suit your needs, with an affordable price tag.
The Cheaper Chess is at 50% off for one last day, the price will be increased after the sales is over, take your chance while it still last
Price will goes back to its very original in few days.
Version 3.0 was completed on March, late but necessary announcement.
Version 3.0 has it’s very first 50% off discount right now, there’s probably no way to get lower price than it is right now.
last day for 50% discount, grab it now while it is still last.
Price will be updated at $244 USD, this is the final price, probably forever. It’s cheap considered it’s quality and features provided, please appreciate it.